1-Age: Seventeen
2-Gender: Female
3- Pictures of yourself:
4-How did you find [info]wtf_user_info2? Clicking from a profile in wtf_inc and finding this wonderful archive of trainwrecks.
5-Why do you want in [info]wtf_user_info2? Dude. What's more awesome than laughing at people? On the internet?
6-what is your biggest pet peeve regarding people in lj? How people are willing to spend agonising amounts of time making their journal "pretty".
7-How many blinkies are in your LJ bio? None, but I offer forth for ridicule two manga-themed colorbars and an LJ user trading card.
8-How do you feel about your LJ bio? I rather like the card.
9-What do you do in your spare time? Hiking, job hunting, going out with friends to do activities with varying degrees of unhealthiness. Oh, and internet.
10-What is your favorite porn site? I pirate like a good girl.
11-Why is it your favorite? I don't need to pay and there's a good chance that I'll find something totally unexpected that I can send to people for gagging and laughing.
12-Post about us in your own journal and include the URL of your post.