Player Information
Name: Lauren
Age: 25
AIM SN: LaurenInGame
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes - Narcissa Malfoy and Gabrielle Delacour at Beyond the Darkness, Rinoa Heartilly at Timeless, Aerith Gainsborough at Foreshock, Rose Tyler at The Long Now and Twilight Zone.
Currrently Played Characters: None
Character Information
Canon Source: Doctor Who
Canon Format: TV Program
Character's Name: Rose Marion Tyler
Character's Age: 25
What form will your character's NV take? iPhone 2
Character's Canon Abilities: No superhuman abilities in-canon. She is, however, skilled with large firearms, is a gymnast and leader, and has a high understanding of extraterrestrial species and culture.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? At the end of Doctor Who’s new Series 1, Rose Tyler became the goddess-like Bad Wolf by looking into the heart of the TARDIS and absorbing the power of the Time Vortex. This RP’d post-canon version of Rose has remnants of the Time Vortex inside of her. The Ninth Doctor extracted almost all of it, but exposure to something like The Core could awaken this “miniature” Bad Wolf.
These powers currently lie dormant and unexplored, except for the words “Bad Wolf” occasionally appearing around Rose in times of distress. The fragments inside are small, so the reality-warping powers of the alien goddess would be minimized. If the Bad Wolf were to awaken, Rose would be able to heal moderate flesh wounds by bending time so they never happened. She could also inflict pain by causing organic beings to feel as if their atoms are attempting to violently separate. She could NOT heal mortal wounds, raise the dead, or rip apart or erase anything as she would have at full power.
Any or all of this can be edited/erased/detailed by mods.
Weapons: One large “Dalek-Killer” gun, an energy-firing weapon meant for piercing alien armor. Seen
HERE. History/Personality/Plans/etc.
Character History: Rose was born to Jackie and Pete Tyler on April 27th, 1987. Her father died in a road accident when she was very young, forcing Jackie to raise her daughter alone. The pair lived in Powell Estate, flat 48, in London. They took yearly trips to Tenby, but otherwise, Rose’s life was chavvy and static.
Rose took to athletics at a young age. At Jericho Junior High, she won bronze in gymnastics. This, however, was the only aspect of school she liked. She often skipped classes with best friend Shareen to shop and look at boys. The worst incident occurred on a field trip, when they were almost left in France by a fed-up teacher.
When 14-year-old Rose started seeing the foolish but kind Mickey Smith, Jackie had high hopes. However, one year later, Rose was suspended for convincing her school choir to go on strike. She disappointed her loved ones yet again. Even so, something had changed. She was no longer starting trouble for the sake of trouble. Rose Tyler had begun believing in things, and standing up for them.
Rose was looking to take A-levels in English, French, and Art. However, she tossed these plans aside to move in with Jimmy Stone, a rebellious rocker whom she found grown-up and alluring. The relationship ended only 5 months later. Rose’s heart was broken. She returned to her mother in debt and unable to return to school. Jackie, ever forgiving, called in a favor with her ex-boyfriend Geoff. Rose was given a job at the Henrik’s department store.
Rose Tyler met the Tenth Doctor on New Year’s Day of 2005, but mistook him for a drunk. The Ninth Doctor materialized just weeks after. She grabbed his hand, and they began to run. Through a plastic alien invasion, Rose’s eyes became opened to the size and scope of the universe. Rose left Jackie and Mickey to travel space and time as The Doctor’s Companion.
The pair’s first trip was to see the final destruction of the planet Earth. It was here that Rose met Lady Cassandra, a skin flap claiming to be the “Last Human.” Cassandra would eventually try (and fail) to steal Rose’s body.
Time travel proved a harsh temptation to Rose. Disregarding The Doctor, she attempted to stop her father’s death. This mistake caused not only a paradox, but also the descent of the deadly reapers. Pete Tyler sacrificed his life once more to save Rose, and the entire world. The girl’s timeline was permanently changed… as was her respect for fate.
Other temporary Companions included Adam Mitchell and Jack Harkness. Alien victories included the fall of the Gelth, the Slitheen family, and the Jagrafess.
Through their travels, The Doctor and Rose were haunted by the phrase “Bad Wolf.” The words finally had meaning during an attempted Dalek invasion in the year 200,100. Believing he would soon die, The Doctor sent Rose back home to her own time. However, she had learned a better way to live, and fought to save The Doctor. With Jackie and Mickey’s help, she was able to stare into the heart of the TARDIS. Her absorption of the Time Vortex turned her into the goddess-like Bad Wolf. With extraordinary power, the Bad Wolf vaporized all of the Dalek fleet and gave Jack Harkness immortality. Unfortunately, the weight of the Time Vortex was too much. To save Rose from falling apart, The Doctor took the energy into himself at the cost of his own “life.”
The Time Lord regenerated. Rose, at first, lacked faith in his new face. However, after The Doctor defeated the Sycorax on Christmas of 2006, the pair became inseparable. Their travels included a werewolf fiasco that would drive Queen Victoria to knight the pair, found the Torchwood Institute, and declare The Doctor an alien menace. An alternate dimension was discovered, where Pete Tyler lived while Jackie was cyber-converted. Rose learned the taste of jealousy when meeting Sarah Jane Smith, a former companion, and when Madame de Pompadour looked into The Doctor’s lonely mind.
The two defeated the Hoix and the Abzorbaloff. All the while, the Companion developed deeper feelings for her Time Lord. They jested about settling down with a house and a mortgage; Rose took these “jokes” quite seriously. However, despite hand-holding, long talks, kissing whilst possessed, etc., Rose would never get to confess the love she felt inside until it was too late.
During the Battle of Canary Wharf at the Torchwood Institute, Rose was determined to see every Dalek and Cyberman sucked into the Void. Her bravery, however, got her pulled into an alternate dimension by her father, Pete. Though she survived, Rose would still consider this the day of her death. She was trapped in Pete’s World, separated from The Doctor forever.
Rose suffered the pain of being stuck in one place for months. Her heart was traveling through space and time, still on the TARDIS. Months passed. Finally, The Doctor reached out once more. He used a supernova to appear to Rose at Bad Wolf Bay. There, The Doctor told her that she and Jackie were declared dead in their original time. Rose, Jackie, and Pete were free to be a family. It was not enough. Breaking down, she confessed her love for The Doctor. Before he could reciprocate, the gap between the worlds closed. Rose was alone again.
In her time away from the TARDIS, Rose Tyler took up her job as alien specialist and timeline monitor for Torchwood. Jackie gave birth to a baby brother, Tony. Rose obsessed over a project called the “Dimension Cannon” that would allow her to jump across timelines and find her Gallifreyan. However, a malfunction in the equipment caused her to be transported away to the world of
thelongnow_rpg for a year.
((See description of TLN events below))
Upon her return, Rose resumed work on the Dimension Cannon. She was determined to experience the future the way she’d been told it would happen. Traveling between timelines and alternate universes, she saved Donna Noble from the Time Beetle and reunited with The Doctor. After helping Team TARDIS defeat a Dalek invasion of Earth, Rose witnessed the true birth of Meta-Crisis Ten. She was dropped off in her home dimension, where the Human Doctor offered to spend the rest of his life with her. She agreed, and named him John.
Point in Canon: After her departure from the show, post Series 4. Rose is now living in the alternate dimension “Pete’s World” with her reunited parents, baby brother, and the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor, aka John. In this timeline, her father is a wealthy inventor and spokesman, so she is financially privileged and gets attention from the media regarding her personal life- two things she will never get used to. Rose works for Torchwood as an expert on alien culture and ambassador to other worlds. Her relationship with John is a caring one, and she feels like it is her duty to love and protect him as The Doctor wished… even if he is struggling hopelessly to “be human.”
In the moments before Siren’s Port, she and John were tending to the TARDIS coral they were growing in the garage.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: Rose’s time in The Long Now RPG was set before Series 4 of her canon. She went on adventures through movies and books, often taking on personas that weren’t her own. It was stressful, and she confided in people like her roommate, Buffy Summers (can be forgotten for SP if necessary). Rose also met the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor (
handyhandyhand ), who she supposedly loved in a future she’d yet to experience. His presence was both soothing and a burden. In moments of rest, Rose found herself wishing less for the TARDIS and more for a life of normalcy. A friendship with Sam Winchester (
family_remains ) was her escape. They laughed together often, pulling pranks on Dean and playing air hockey for hours. Rose joined Sam and his brother Dean in a house-wide battle against Lucifer. It brought her into danger several times, but also closer to Sam. She found herself choosing Sam over John more and more, despite Sam remaining secretive about his past. The result was a rocky but deeply-protective relationship that ended abruptly with the game.
Character Personality: At this point, Rose has grown out of her selfish, chip-eating, boy-crazy teen phase and into a more mature (but not perfect) woman. She adores her reconstructed family, and is proud to say she’s turning into her mum.
Since childhood, Rose Tyler has possessed the ability to inspire and motivate others. She defends the weak, with a particularly sore spot for bullies. If some person or thing is unnecessarily preying on another, Rose gladly steps in with her two cents. Unfortunately, she sometimes fails to consider her words before speaking them.
Another key word for Rose is “spontaneous.” If an opportunity (moving in with a rock star, traveling with The Doctor) seems exciting or profitable, she can’t say no. This hunger for adventure often leads Rose into trouble. Thankfully, she is fit to handle it. It’s much harder for her to find thrills these days, with reporters and the nosy public about. She’ll often smirk wickedly to herself, picturing the paparazzi frozen by an alien ice extinguisher.
Speaking of aliens, extraterrestrial cultures do not intimidate Rose. What was once a curiosity about them has now developed into her full-time work for Torchwood. At large, she considers danger exciting. The Doctor and Rose always used to escape harm, so she’s somewhat numb to peril. Her work at Torchwood is her biggest commitment and motivation. Though Rose isn’t the smartest person at the office, she’s likely the most opinionated. She has no room for forgiveness if people don’t take it as seriously as she does.
Though Rose has been grounded on Earth for some time now, she still struggles with “normal” people and their small world views. As a result, she occasionally will insult someone accidentally. She still, however, reads about fashion and celebrities in magazines, which makes her a bit of a hypocrite.
Rose’s most endearing quality is her empathy. Having experienced so many types of tragedy and carnage, she is always willing to listen to and reassure others. This trait particularly shines through when she hears fantastical stories; she never doubted that Sam hunted demons or that Meta-Crisis Ten would materialize in her future. This willingness to believe others can manifest itself into a much more destructive gullibility if Rose isn’t careful.
Now more scrutinized than ever, Rose wears makeup every day. Her favorite things include junk food, music, and a good practical joke. Additional traits: Determined, resourceful, JEALOUS.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: The Long Now has made Rose a more discontent individual. What should have been a happy ending with John has instead evolved into something complicated. She loves him, but there are many days when it feels like a JOB and not a relationship. Residual feelings for both Sam and The Doctor linger. Everyone around her insists she should be overjoyed, but she simply isn’t.
Additionally during TLN, Rose was introduced to supernatural beings that were NOT of alien origin. Vampires, shifters, demons, etc. are now things she believes in. It has made her job at Torchwood difficult, as the organization generally believes that all of these things must be from other planets. It has made her argumentative, and also a very passionate researcher.
She is better, thanks to the Winchesters, at coming up with false identities, tracking creatures, and being resourceful.
Character Plans: Rose’s trials and tribulations tend to be relationship-based. I am looking to have her meet back up with Sam Winchester, whose presence will weigh upon her obligations to John. I am pretty open to any adventures. She will be very interested in the creatures, wanting to understand their origin and even help them (obviously a poor idea on her part). The lack of stars will also disturb her, as her last fight against the Daleks also caused them to disappear.
Appearance/PB: Billie Piper circa 2008. Seen
HERE. Writing Samples
First Person Sample [[VOICE]]
“‘ello? John? ...Nngh- fell on my gun. Gonna be a bruise for sure. [A rustling sound, as if she is trying to stand, but failing quite thoroughly.]
Is this a- [She’s never actually been to a baseball field before. Her first assumption is that she’s been transported via time machine to America. Despite the shock and rising anger, there’s wonder in her voice.] Who’d-a thought a TARDIS without an inside- without walls even- could manage this?
Righ’. John Tyler Smith, I’m gonna go ahead an’ say this is your fault. No use hidin’ from me. [Pause] Typical.
Well, if anyone else can hear me, my name is Rose. Rose Tyler. I’m a Londoner, an’ I most definitely accept help from strangers. I, uh, have money, if ya need it. An’ If ya happen t’ see a skinny bloke with spiky hair an’ a blue suit, tell ‘im I ain’t surprised.
Third Person Sample
The sun was setting, but Rose Tyler pretended not to notice. She was busy sitting in the brownish grass, staring at her notebook. John lied on his stomach beside her, fiddling with his still-broken Sonic Screwdriver. He’d clearly wanted to leave for safety a half-hour ago. “Jus’ one more minute,” Rose muttered when she could sense protest. They were fine. This was important.
The list of reasons made no sense, even though she’d written it herself. How could there be no stars? Daleks. Light pollution. Alternate dimension or timeline. Optical illusion caused by atomosphere. Daleks. World is a hologram. Massive disaster. Daleks.
“Ya sure it ain’t the Daleks?” she asked aloud. Rose flashed a meaningful look toward her gun. She’d built it herself to pierce the armor of that murderous alien race. If events from months prior were repeating themselves, she’d be ready. However, a Dalek invasion couldn’t explain a baseball field… or any of this, really.
A sigh. “Sorry, we can go now.” Sympathy had gotten the best of her. Rose extended a hand toward John to help him up. “Ya know how I get.”