Oct 26, 2006 22:54
I'm going back to my old shift. This means i'll be able to be off for Gabi's and my 1 year anniversary. Or at least for the actual time. WOOT!!
Oct 26, 2006 02:03
i'm not subdued by mere pants. Ho! But cock? That is my welcomed master!
Oct 25, 2006 12:05
um Well since i'm too lazy to post online, i'm going to start posting from my phone. Woot!
Jul 21, 2006 03:31
I have a new idea on a static sieve, but, sadly, each time you expand the size of the sieve, you loose any benefit of previous calculations. I need to find a static sieve that would benefit from the rotating sieve calculations.
Jul 21, 2006 03:26
Ok, now I'm running both programs on one hundred thousand primes, to see how big of a difference there is one extremely large primes.
So far, the rotating sieve got it done in 48.9 seconds.
Now, lets wait on the standard sieve...
Jul 21, 2006 02:43
Fun is:
Drinking a liter and a half of wine and listening to "I'm my own Grandpa" by Ray Stevens, while implementing a high efficiency rotating prime sieve.
This is fun!