ImFullofJesusluv: ok so
deusXmachina os: That's why they should let heroine addicts do it
ImFullofJesusluv: you modest...... uhhhh...... vaginal cyst! (EWWWWW)
deusXmachina os: .. did you just call me a vagincal cyst?
ImFullofJesusluv: yes I did
ImFullofJesusluv: it was the most disgusting thing I could think of
ImFullofJesusluv: off the top of my head
ImFullofJesusluv: and its pretty much horrendously disgusting
ImFullofJesusluv: its like an alien pimple.....
deusXmachina os: well, it's a good thing you're gay
ImFullofJesusluv: EWWWWWWWW
ImFullofJesusluv: *mental images*
deusXmachina os: vaginal cyst = alien pimple = me? Honestly, i think we should trace back our steps in the conversation and make me nice again. Minus eleven points for making me synonymous to a body flaw!!!
ImFullofJesusluv: T.T
ImFullofJesusluv: <--- pwnt
ImFullofJesusluv: if you like
ImFullofJesusluv: I could call you silicone breast implant
ImFullofJesusluv: ^_^
ImFullofJesusluv: just be perky!
deusXmachina os: i'd rather be Clitoris.
deusXmachina os: easy to please, and when i get overwhelmed, i become all sedated
ImFullofJesusluv: *cracks up*
ImFullofJesusluv: just be forewarned
ImFullofJesusluv: that also requires you to sweat to a sickening degree when youre happy/engaged in physical contact
deusXmachina os: hmm.
deusXmachina os: better than Vagical Cyst.
deusXmachina os: vaginal*
ImFullofJesusluv: You could be fallopian tube and rarely open up for anyone
deusXmachina os: i could.
deusXmachina os: but i'm an open person
ImFullofJesusluv: Well
ImFullofJesusluv: sometimes, yes
deusXmachina os: i'll be some crackwhores's legs, then.
ImFullofJesusluv: ROFL
ImFullofJesusluv: well
ImFullofJesusluv: you could be old woman cleavage too
ImFullofJesusluv: thats pretty open
deusXmachina os: that's pretty unattractive
ImFullofJesusluv: and a crack-whores fat legs are?
deusXmachina os: touche
ImFullofJesusluv: ok
ImFullofJesusluv: Anna Nicoles asscrack
deusXmachina os: i'll take Vaginal Cyst, thanks.
ImFullofJesusluv: Guys still want to fuck you
ImFullofJesusluv: but youre hugely open
ImFullofJesusluv: Vaginal cyst > Anna Nicole? hmmmmmmm
deusXmachina os: Trimspa, baby!
ImFullofJesusluv: yeah.....
deusXmachina os: i don't know. can i just be Climax?
deusXmachina os: or the hymen?
deusXmachina os: i can leave after a while
ImFullofJesusluv: hmmmmm
ImFullofJesusluv: but if youre hymen
ImFullofJesusluv: youre broken after one try
ImFullofJesusluv: perseverance, Sarah!
deusXmachina os: .. *is stubbor* that wouldn't work
ImFullofJesusluv: yeah
deusXmachina os: stubborn*
ImFullofJesusluv: that would suck if your hymen didnt break the first time
deusXmachina os: YEAH
deusXmachina os: i could be Dilated Pupils
deusXmachina os: be like, mellow
ImFullofJesusluv: no.
ImFullofJesusluv: It has to be from the nether regions, my dear
ImFullofJesusluv: oh that reminds me
ImFullofJesusluv: I call dibs on Uncircumcised Penis
deusXmachina os: g-spot
deusXmachina os: yeah
ImFullofJesusluv: really, now?
ImFullofJesusluv: why g-spot?
deusXmachina os: why uncircumcised penis?
ImFullofJesusluv: I get more pleasure and I can be very adventurous
ImFullofJesusluv: besides
ImFullofJesusluv: I can dance!
deusXmachina os: and it's more stylish than the circumcised
ImFullofJesusluv: well obviously
ImFullofJesusluv: its like
ImFullofJesusluv: I have a coat that I can reveal only to those that make me really happy
ImFullofJesusluv: what circumcised guy can claim to have clothing for his penis?
deusXmachina os: a freak