Gov. portfolio due this wednesday. German final this friday. Honors final paper due monday. Gov. final that wednesday. Leave for Maine on saturday the 16th... and studystudystudy like crazy for all of this.
So, homemade wine? Yeah, it actually turned out great....I still can't believe that worked. I should brew a bunch and have it ferment over winter break...and then sell it when I come does get you quite drunk I must say
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I'm still in Clearwater...waiting for it to be 6 already so I can go pick up meine mutter in Orlando. It'll be the first time I've seen her since August...wowwww, that's the longest I've gone without seeing her
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I've been really productive these past couple of days, it's paying off. I should have been like this from the very beginning, then I wouldn't be in the mess I am now in regards to school. Oh well
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