Anyone want to voice their opinion on what should happen to iworkatborders now? I'm going to lock comments to registered users. At this point, no one's losing their jobs over opinions expressed here.
It definitely should be archived. It's an important part of the history of Borders, which is an important part of the history of American (and global) business.
I don't know LJ's policies, or how possible it is to export a board. If we can do it, I suggest that a copy be entrusted to the organization formerly known at the Borders Group Foundation as well as, if possible, to the Internet Archive.
I still think this is a great way for Borders-former-employees-to come here and "vent" or job hunting idea's, resume help or "remember the time at Borders when..." but it's up to you. I think keep the past post on here and just "re-vamp" it. I think the site has been silence since we don't know the direction of this now.
PS I miss Borders around this time of year. I can't believe Borders won't be around. bummer.
If it's possible it should be archived and referenced so others can find it. The history here would be a great tool for anyone researching the story of Borders for any academic work on Bordrers, bookstores, retailing in an age of change, etc.
Comments 19
You can export a copy of your own journal for archive purposes but I'm not sure its possible with communities.
I think we could use some technical advice on archiving etc.
I don't know LJ's policies, or how possible it is to export a board. If we can do it, I suggest that a copy be entrusted to the organization formerly known at the Borders Group Foundation as well as, if possible, to the Internet Archive.
PS I miss Borders around this time of year. I can't believe Borders won't be around. bummer.
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