(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 13:19

[jewelry worn daily]: rubberbands
[wallet]:i dont have one
[soda]:mountain dew or dr. pepper
[shoes]: my flip flops or my converses
[cologne/perfume]: chanel chance
[clothing you have on]: soffee's and a batman t-shirt
[wishing]: you'd be home
[after this]: watch 7th heaven and wait for shelby to call me and bring me my TBS cd
[talking to]: no one i have an away message up
[eating]: nothing
[material obsessions]: my computer 
[some favorite movies]: starsky and hutch, a cinderella story, the notebook... ahh soo many good movies
[something you're looking forward to]: August 4th... or sometime around that date
[last thing you ate]: steak
[something you’re afraid of]: being alone or being kidnapped 
[if you could have any animal as a pet]: a yorkie or a mastiff
[cities you wouldn’t mind moving to]: .... i'm moving to La Jolla, CA when i'm older :o)
[some favorite foods]: almost any kind of food, pizza, ice cream, mexican, burgers
[something -or someone- you wish you could understand better]: everyone
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time]: yes i miss everyone i havent seen over the summer and i miss you

[like candles]: yess... lighting stuff on fire is awesome 
[like company]: yes
[believe in soul mates]: sure
[believe in love at first sight]:eh it depends.... sorta

[believe in forgiveness]: yes
[want to get married]: yes
[want to have kids]: yes, 3 kids
[ever want to adopt kids]:yup.

[cried]: actually NO 
[bought something]: yes, the Taking Back Sunday cd!! <33
[gotten sick]: it's been a while
[sang]: yeah
[eaten]: yes
[been kissed]: no :'o(
[felt stupid]: haha yeah
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: nope, been there done that
[talked to an ex]: no
[had a serious talk]: uhm no
[missed someone]: yesss
[hugged someone]: uhm i think so
[argued with a parent(s)]: yeah, my dad.... he's home again and sorta my mom
[dreamed about someone you can't be with]: hmmm

[who is your role model]: i dont really have one
[pet peeves]: when peoples backpacks arent zipped, when mexican workers stare and whistle at you
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you]: sure
[cried over the opposite sex]: not really cry... okay maybe
[what plans do you have for the future]: ASU, La Jolla, big house, happy family :o)
[who do you really hate]:i dont think i hate anyone right now...
[who's your most trustworthy family member]: none of them, except maybe my dogs... i dont like telling my family things... that's what shelby is for

i'm outie kids

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