i stole this from matthew... so do it

Oct 13, 2004 22:39

Ask me any question you'd like, one that may help you get to know me, preferably, but any question would be fine. I'll answer openly and honestly. Sometimes you have to ask questions to get to know people. You may ask more than one question.

like starsky and hutch would say...


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Comments 10

shelbythegreat October 14 2004, 05:53:04 UTC
what don't you like about me?


SHELBY FRICKIN LYN! iwuvmythweetie October 14 2004, 05:58:34 UTC
goodness gracious... i have to think a LOT on this one.
you are an amazing person and friend and well let's see...

i don't like when you're sad because then it makes me sad.
and i MOST deffinately don't like when you're mad because
i fear for my life... like when you get mad at drew and i'm there
that totally freaks me out!! other than that you are just rad!


Re: SHELBY FRICKIN LYN! shelbythegreat October 14 2004, 06:01:17 UTC
hahaha don't fear for your life... i'd kill myself before i'd kill you


only1foryou October 14 2004, 05:55:49 UTC
what is your favorite word?


niice question iwuvmythweetie October 14 2004, 06:00:12 UTC
hmm, my favorite word is 'awesome'
i use it ALL THE TIME even when i'm pissed,
jealous, mad, happy... all the time!!



heyyy anonymous October 14 2004, 06:24:05 UTC
emilia :-D
how long did you not like me last year and y did u call me a skanky ho? i think u told me but i think i kinda forgot :-\
<3 sam a.


Re: heyyy iwuvmythweetie October 14 2004, 22:48:06 UTC
i never did not like you i was just persuaided not to.
and i didnt call you a skanky ho.. it was greasy
and i didnt mean it! i love you!! <33


Re: heyyy anonymous October 14 2004, 23:54:46 UTC
haha yeah i ment greesy ho lol its all good now were good friends so thats all that matters and when every u need me i will be here for u

<33 sam


sweetest_sin23 October 14 2004, 07:34:54 UTC
do you like hot cheetos?
where were you born?
how cool am i?


iwuvmythweetie October 14 2004, 22:46:51 UTC
yes, i like hot cheetos... even though they're really hot.

i was born in Mesa

and you happen to be SUPER awesomely cool


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