So what? Was Nasim Pedrad not white enough to play Lena Dunham so they hired Noel Wells so they could do more Girls-based sketches?
Wow, was not expecting how meta SNL went with the Arcade Fire or New Cast Member sketch. Sadly, I think Lorne's joke about "the black one" was supposed to be a tongue in cheek response to his "color-blindness," but just points out how pathetic the diversity is on SNL.
Dear Régine Chassagne of Arcade Fire, you are no Grace Slick.
Is it just me or is Lorne Michaels on set looking like Jerry Jones stalking on the sideline wh
Still waiting for a laugh from SNL. Did The Bloggess do the set decoration for the Cinema Classics sketch after Weekend Update?
Not a knock against Tina Fey, but the younger-skewing cast against an older host just looks a little awkward.
Tina Fey rocking the Marlene Dietrich look in one of the bumper photos was probably my favorite part of the season premiere.
What the hell is this 30-minute Arcade Fire concert?