Jake, I haven't seen you in a long time so I really dont know what to think right now. But you did used to drive from all the way from Northbridge to go to my house, and your mom is hot. So Jake, I like you, you have yet to do anything that would piss me off so thats pretty cool. You need to get a car or something a college so we can hang out more often
Tiel, when was the last time we had a real convorsation? We used to talk on the phone alot and that was pretty cool, then it just stopped cause we were both pretty busy over the summer. Well, your hot, you have a really nice ass, you get pretty touchy at times, but you love cats, and we had some wierd convorsations, although you kept me up till all hours of the night. The only thing is we really need to hang out, even just once would be cool.
It's both our faults we haven't talked Mike, we really need to soon. Call me when you get a chance, I miss talking to you a lot. And god damnit, we're going to hang out soon, I really want to. No promises, but I'll try to get things so that we can in fact hang out.
Thanks for those cookies first off. We never really talk and hardly ever hung out. But you like Lord of the Rings and let us crash your house a few times over the winter. So that was all pretty cool, although I'm not gonna lie, you did wierd me out a few times, but remember who thats coming from. We're not the best of friends, but friends none the less. You should make some more cookies
We used to be friends, but its been so long since we talked or hung out it feels like i hardly know you anymore. I can't really come to a decision on what I think of you because we hardly know each other anymore...but...your gonna hate me for saying this...It seems like your trying real hard to find an identity, but it seems like your trying a bit too hard. I read your livejournal every once in a while and you tend to write about tihngs that other people dont really need to know. All in all I know your a good girl, and I'm not gonna preach on how you should run your life, but if you ever need someone to talk to, remember, I'm always here.
Ami where do I even start?...without calling you a dyke...DYKEDYKEDYKE. Ok enough. Your not a dyke, you just dont care when people make fun of you. Wich is really cool because too many people these days are wayyyyyyyyy to sensitive. You drive me home and put up with me annoying the shit outta you everyday in study hall and other times. Your a cool girl and a good friend, so stay that way. And dont think at any point I am happy with the fact that you call me Michael, thats my slave name, Mitchmike Dyke.
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