This sucks balls.

May 13, 2009 00:39

Ugh... hey, guys. So, the most interesting thing happened today. A lock down was issued! Hurray! Twenty six patients came in with the same symptoms and after a while, several of the hospital staff started to show signs of the same stuff. Thus, everyone who worked this past weekend was recalled to the hospital grounds, and all the patients who've visited have been urged to return for quarantine for an undisclosed length of time. We don't know what we're dealing with exactly, but it's spreading fast and it's hitting hard. We've already lost thirty three.

The CDC- center for disease control- was called in and they've been working on diagnosing the problem. Those who haven't yet shown symptoms have been dressed in Hazmat suits and separated from the infected. Me? As far as I can tell, I'm not infected, but they won't give me a suit because apparently I'm coughing. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a history of vomiting frequently and inhaling hot and chemical infused air, and that I tend to cough when breathing hard or talking a lot, due to trachea damage. But, fuck explaining that to these guys.

Anyway... god, I gotta hurry, I only have a few minutes for break time.

What we know about this so far is that it's incredibly infectious and contagious. It's a strain of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever. We don't know what kind it is, but at least knowing the strain is like knowing that the animal you're looking at is some sort of feline- it narrows it down tremendously.

The most common symptoms are- I'm reading this out of a text book so I don't leave anything out- ... the most common symptoms include, but are not limited to, marked fever- so, like, anything above 100- fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, loss of strength, hysteria, dementia, hallucinations, and exhaustion. Patients with severe cases of VHF often show signs of bleeding under the skin, in internal organs, or from body orifices like the mouth, eyes, or ears. However, although they may bleed from many sites around the body, patients rarely die because of blood loss. Severely ill patient cases may also show shock, nervous system malfunction, coma, delirium, and seizures.

I won't say it sounds worse than it is, 'cause actually it's pretty damn bad. I will say, though, that if you think you might have this virus, PLEASE contact us and we'll send someone out to get you. Do NOT try and get here by yourself. You will expose others to the virus- it's spreading like butter on popcorn- and that's no what we want. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this virus, but there is a vaccination against it. We've ordered a great deal of it.

If you're pregnant, on chemo, anemic, diabetic, under 21, involved in any sports, if you handle animal feces frequently, if you have a weak immune system, if you have any open sores or injuries, if you're on medication of any sort, or if you hang out with anyone that fits any of those categories, PLEASE go get yourself vaccinated as soon as the shipment arrives. In fact, if you're ever on campus at all, or if you ever even leave your house or dorm at all, PLEASE go get vaccinated. This stuff is HORRIBLE and I don't want any of you getting it.

Please, guys, wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze and wash afterwards, give your pets a flea bath 'cause according to my book that vector fleas are often responsible for spreading the virus, and...

[Someone yells for him to assist in a "Code Blue". The recording ends. A text attachment follows]

Guys, look, I know this is going to sound really selfish or something, I guess, but... if you're not going away like, NOW, or if you can delay your going away for even a few days, the CDC told us that there won't be a cure, but there will be an immunization against whatever this is. Please get it as soon as it arrives. If I can, I'll find out when and tell you. If you're reading this, then just know I care more about you than most people in this damned town. Please protect yourselves.

crap, fuck, immunizations, [secretly scared]

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