
Mar 28, 2004 00:43

i can't stop thinking about being asian. i know this sounds really werid but i just can't. i never really felt unsatisfied or anything about who i am, but then i was thinking about those ugly asian guys who wear bleach blonde nasty bangs. and i'm surrounded by a lot of non-asian people, except for the ronster. and racist people make me feel ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

oh boy xemoxstarzx March 28 2004, 11:20:26 UTC
hey sont sweat it kiddo sometimes when i am in a room all by myself i think about that 1/4 canadian i am and i think of all the people who hate canadians and its sad and it makes me feel bad but yah know its all good because people that dont like you for who you are are missin out on a helluva lotta gooood tiiimes so they can suck it . . . hard.

asians = a.o.k. to me


micahmatthew March 28 2004, 11:50:40 UTC
Racism in Hull has gotten to the point where it makes me disgusted. It's horrible to think a person is better than someone simply because of their ethnicity. And sometimes I hear things that don't even make sense , like racist comments that aren't even derrogitory(spelling) just plain stupid. It's not ignorance, it's stupidity because no matter how much knowledge the biggot has they still find some way to bask in their disgusting ideas.

Umm yea, sometimes I say racist shit. I feel horrible after. And for some reason I blame others for why I say the stupid stuff. From now on I'm taking responsibility, well because I don't ever want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.


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