"jesus christ, the girl's trying. but god- she's forgotten how to breathe."

Apr 09, 2004 23:01

people like me do not, in any way, deserve anything that they have. i feel like such a shitty person yet i have amazing friends and a pretty good family for the most part to suport me. i'm lucky enough to have a home, money, and on paper, everything seems peachy. but there are just these times when i want someone to come kick me in the face to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

xxmelissaannxx April 9 2004, 22:11:56 UTC
hey, its melissa, add me if you'd like


</3 maybeitslove April 10 2004, 08:31:03 UTC
vi.I've felt the same way for the last month or so.and it sucks because everything has been looking swell on the outside.ya know what I mean?but I haven't been satisfied with what I have and I should be.I have amazing new friends, a great guy, an insane but loving family and I'm doing well in school.but its not enough.and I've wanted to tell someone for awhile now, but everyone would just think that I'm complaining and that I'm selfish.and I am.but I need something more...I just don't know what.I hope you feel happier soon and you know that if you ever need anything I'm here.

<3tu as mon couer
tu es mon couer<3
bfct love you


xemoxstarzx April 11 2004, 09:10:48 UTC
dont sweat it dude. sweating things like this only makes you even more insane than you already are. its not your fault. and no one wants it to be :). here for ya babe


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