1. Name: Josh(ua) ryan
2. Birth Date: March 23
3. Age: 14
4. Eye color: Blue/Green/Hazel
5. Hair color: people say blonde, its dark when its wet, so maybe dirty blond?
6. Personality: idk? controlling but nice? w/e i really want to be. i can be a jerk/ass or i can be extremely nice, it depends on how i feel. put it this wat, 95% of the time, my glass is half full
7. Describe yourself: short i'm obsessed with baseball and golf
8. Nervous Habits? bite/chew my nails, tap my foot, crack parts of my body (finger or neck or back)
9. Are you double jointed? uhh...idk
10. Can you roll your tongue? fo sho i can roll it and i can roll my r's
11. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? only my right one
12. Can you blow spit bubbles? oh ya, i do it all the
14. Tattoos? prolly never
15. Piercings and where? uhh your mom... haha that means none
16. Screen name: imabasballahalla
--DO YOU--
1. eat spam or potted meat? if I have, i was unaware of it.
2. type with one hand only? only when Im disabled, or eating but even then I try to use two hands
3. wear the same piece of jewelry everyday? my watch and livestrong bracelet
4. twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl, cut it? why would you do such a thing
5. usually approach your crush or keep it low? uhh both i guess.
6. have a mole anywhere on your face? mole-y mole-y mole-y, hahaha, gotta love austin powers..but no i dont
7. write with your right hand or left? Right
8. cut up all of your meat, then eat, or cut each at one time? Cut it up half then eat, then the other half
9. carry more than 10 dollars with you on an average day? why would i tell you that?...
10. have blue eyes? depends on my clothes
11. have a swimming pool. ya, but its really pointless, it just sits out there
12. sing really well? dude! yes i do. right sydnie?
13. stay at the computer more than an hour at a time on average? most definetly
14. wear thongs everyday? yes i, just playin
15. like rock music? yup
1. rock or rap? i'd have to say, rock
2. chinese or mexican? well their both really good, but i'd prefer chinese. i only like rosaritas, cotijas is alright, not ver good though
3. coke or pepsi? w/e is in the house, i guess coke
4. straight or curly? straight
5. guy friends or girl friends? idk, guys i guess
6. chick-fil-a or zaxby's? come again hombre
7. ludacris or 50 cent? f-i-f-t-y-c-e-n-t-n-s-n-double o-p...i'd say, snoop
8. guitar or drums? guitar
9. chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla fo sho
10. hot dog or corn dog? uhh, i'll eat them, but i'd rather have a hamburger
11. mustard or ketchup? ketchup
12. beach or mountains? mountains, theyre cold..most of the time
13. beef or chicken? both at the same time... haha if i have to pick, beef
14. me or you? peyton manning in his commercial..i laugh every time
15. boxers or briefs? Boxers breifs confine my... yeah
16. panties or thongs? ermm...
1. clothes? my hat cocked sideways like a *pimp*, my hurley sweatshirt, basketball shorts(they're comfortable), livestrong bracelet
2. taste? banana, i had a banana popsicle
3. smell? idk, i can't smell
5. hair style? messy
6. music? sports center..what else?
7. perfume/cologne? none
8. nail color? hot pink on one hand and lime green on the other...
9. hated song on the radio? uhhh, that one song, with those guys, and they sing those words
10. crush? if its a crush, why the hell would i tell you
1. Where do you shop: idk...places?
2. What do you usually wear: my sweatshirt(unless its hot) a shirt, shorts/pants, socks, shoes, boxers..?
3. What kind of shoes do you wear: dc
4. Do you wear a watch: yup
5. Color you never wear: uhhh yellow? and orange
6. Color you wear at least once a week: black and baish
7. Something you wear everyday: boxers, socks, livestrong bracelet, watch
8. Do you wear make up everyday: uhhhhh no
9. Make up essential: everything
10. Most cherished piece of clothing: my arod jersey, hell yes
11.You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: a tie-die shirt
12. Do you wear belts: uhh nope, i'm too fat
13. Do you wear hats: Outside school
14. How many pairs of shoes do you have: lets count, even though we did this last year..i have 4 pairs that i'd wear to school, one pair of dress shoes, 2 pairs of running shoes (1 for pe and one for home) and...i believe 2 pairs that i dont wear thats 9..wholly cow
Name Four Bad Habits You Have.
1) drumming on things
2) eating too much..idk if i really do though
3) procrastinating
4) I crack my knuckles/neck/back...
Name Three Things That You Have Done Today.
1) ran a mile
2) at a popsicle
3) posed as a ditcher and as a robber
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought.
1) round of golf at sun valley
2) round of golf at mt
3) mexican food
4) movie tickets
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink.
1) milk
2) milk
3) gatorade and water
4) sprite/sierra mist/7up..i hate it when people ask you, "oh is sierra mist ok" when you ordered sprite..i mean, what the hell are you supposed to say "no, i dont want sierra mist when it tastes exactly the same"
First best friend(s): ERIC VIJATERS! brittany(i guess)
First real memory of something: being extremely sick in my aunt and uncles wedding or having to get rid of my dog sasha, i forget which came first
First break-up: jessica
First screen name: jrbball323
First self purchased album: i believe it was....i actually have no idea
First piercing/tattoo: Not yet
Last big car ride: EAST COAST TRIP!!!!
Last good cry: errmmmm.....when i sprained my ankle, i'm such an effing baby, but...i couldnt even feel my foot
Last library book checked out: of mice and men...god i hated that book...public library, probably something for a report/project
Last movie seen: in theatres, in good company and... rented... cookout, though i never saw it and... watched at home.. the terminal
Last beverage drank: water, at home and at school
Last food consumed: popsicle
Last crush: michelle i guess...kellie? that was not really a crush..idk
Last phone call: uhhmm...some salesman just called me other than that, no one calls me
Last tv show watched: i'm currently watching sports center
Last time showered: Today
Last annoyance: my spanish teacher
Last ice cream eaten: uhh neopolitan
Last shirt / blouse worn: the one I hvae on now
In the last 24 hours have you...
01. Cried: Nope
02. Bought something: no
03. Gotten sick: felt sick? yes
04. Sang: Yep
05. Eaten: Yep
06. Been kissed: nope
07. Felt stupid: yes
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: yes
09. Met someone new: I dont thinks so... cuz i met guys yesterday, but that wasn't 24 hours ago, it was longer than that
10. Moved on: Nope
11. Talked to an ex: Yep
12. Missed an ex: uhh, i dont think i that i think about it..wait, yes i did..nevermind
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: idk...if i did, why would i tell you?
14. Had a serious talk: uhh, kinda
15. Missed someone: Yep
16. Hugged someone: Yep
17. Fought with your parents : uhh, no but my mom got mad that i was yelling at darin, and that he and i were fighting
[ Current Mood ] sore and tired and bored
[ Current Music ] who are you?
[ Current Make-up ] none
[ Current Hair ] messy
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] playing bass if anything, but i dont really have anything else to do
[ Current Desktop Picture ]this gay picture that was on the desktop, the one i picked was much tighter..which one, all of the last one's i've had...snowy picture, picture at the boat races, this ice berg picture..and others
[ Current Favorite Group ] linkin park
[ Current CD in CD player ] linkin park or the offspring i forget
[ Last person you hugged ] sydnie
[ Last person you called ] ryan to go golfing
[ Last person that called you ] no one... IM a loser
[ Last person you IMed ] jessimica
[ Last person that IMed you ] jessimica
[ Last time you talked to your crush ] that would give you a hint as to who it is
______Your Life_______
[x] they call me: josh?
[x] sex: male
[x] my first breath of air: hospital air, march 23rd 90.. but real air, i believe it was the 27th, brians first breath of hospital air!!!
[x] best friends: uhh, many
[x] most memorable memory: east coast trip, then the tournament in new york, then the tournament in vegas
[x] love is: something you shouldnt take for granted
[x] first love: idk, i dont think it has come yet
[x] love or lust?: Love
[x] is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: oh ya, of course..hell no its not
[x] when love hurts: it wasnt love in the first place (brian, you said that perfectly)
[x] true or false; all you need is love: uhh, id have to say false
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: no
[x] are you in love right now?: i dont believe so
_______Opposite Sex_______
[x] turn on's: smile and hair..having a nice tush doesnt hurt either
[x] do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: nah
[x] what kinda hair style?: if its like straight, and then kinda wavy at the end, thats hott
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: Hug me for no reason
[x] are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers?: ya, you should see my phone book with girls in it
_______Picky Picky_______
[x] dog or cat: Dog.
[x] short or long hair: in between
[x] sunshine or rain: rain, at home
[x] moon or sun: Moon
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 Best friend
[x] written letters or e-mails: Written
[x] play station or nintendo: ps2 bitches
[x] car or motorcycle: car
[x] house party or club: House party
[x] sing or dance: neither
[x] how are you today?: tired, bored and sore
[x] how is the weather right now?: sunny, breezy, and cold
[x] last dream you can remember?: i dont remember any
Nicknames: joshy and brian
Feet size: 9 and a half, but my shoes are too small, so 10 10 and a half
Do you have a crush? Yes
Age you act: idk, i cant tell that
where you want to live: seattle or san diego or new york
Favorite salad dressing: Ranch
Ever gone skinny dipping? haha yes
What are you watching? sports center
Last person you talked to: my mom and brother
Favorite movie: sandlot, oceans 11
Favorite book: uhh,
Favorite type of music: anything but hardcore punk(only yelling), country, and rap...but some of those are alright
Favorite types of cars: z3's and z4's
Favorite saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, thats why we call it the present
Favorite fast food: jamba juice and panda express
Favorite ice cream: neopolitan
Favorite brand: nike and quicksilver
When do you go to sleep: by 930 on school nights (normally 9) *loser*
Favorite holiday: christmas
Favorite food: uhh, jamba juice
Favorite song: idk
Favorite television show: jeopardy, sportscenter
Favorite radio station: 91x, 103.7, 94.9
Favorite junk food: milky way
Favorite love song: she will be loved?
Favorite drink: lemon lime gatorade or milk
Favorite article of clothing: my hurley sweatshirt
hopefully this works, sorry if it didnt