
Dec 17, 2005 11:49

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum: original juicy fruit
restaurant: olive garden or bj's.
drink: pina colada(virgin of course)
season: autumn
type of weather: cloudy
emotion: uh.
thing to do on a half day: go golfing with ryan benny and zach, or jon and brian.
late-night activity: tv..maybe ps2..hardly though
sport: all i can say is if you dont know, then you shouldnt be reading this
city: seattle
store: charlie rose or sportland

When was the last time you..
cried: last week-ish? idk..not for a while
played a sport: yesterday.
laughed: this morning
hugged someone: last night.
kissed someone: last night.
felt depressed: dunno.
felt elated: last night.
felt overworked: dunno.
faked sick: the day i got sick. two thursdays ago.
lied: recently probably.

What was the last..
word you said: hahahaha..No.(that was what i said to darin about him using my glove.)
thing you ate: eggs.
song you listened to: the postal service-brand new colony
thing you drank: agua.
place you went to: kellys house last night
movie you saw: pearl harbor..but we didnt finish it after 3 days in class...
movie you rented: uhh, family rented kicking and screaming, but i didnt watch it..cuz i wasnt idk..
concert you attended: eagles

Who was the last person you..
hugged: michelle
cried over: umm...idk
kissed: michelle
danced with: michelle
shared a secret with: jessica
had a sleepover with: probably ryan haha
called: probably ryan or my mom..
went to a movie with: michelle jasmine jon jessica sydnie kelly zach ryan. am i missing anyone?
saw: the above mentioned people minus ryan
were angry with: my mom or darin.
couldn't take your eyes off of: take a wild guess.
obsessed over: michelle the night that she went to see narnia..but michelle anyways..

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: fo sho.
kissed someone: yes sir/ma'am.
done drugs: hell fricken no.
drank alcohol: yes.
slept around: nooo.
partied 'til the sun came up: it wasnt an actual party but yes.
had a movie marathon: i believe so.
gone too far on a dare: nope.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: HECK YESS.
taken a survey quite like this before: yeah.
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