Title Before the Parade Passes By
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Parade
POV SessMom
Word Count 600
Warning none
Summary The Lady attend Obon with Souta in the Garden of Memory Universe
The Lady was not sure how she ended up escorting Souta to the Obon Festival. In beginning she came simply to see the little one Somewhere along the line she melted when Souta called her "Baba" for the first time. For the first time she realized that she was a grandmother.
After that they were inseperable. Inuyasha had demon exterminations to help with. Kagome helped the old priestess with her duties Before she knew it, she and Souta were spending all of their tiem together. she fed him. Bathed him, cjamged him. All those things that she had never done for Inuaysha or Sesshoumaru
It was only natural that she should be the one to take him to the Obon festival. His parents were helping with festval. The ritual dances. The lttle lnaterns which were set in the stream. One had even provided for Souta. He was very excited about going to the festival. About eating the good food he smleed about putting the lantern in the stream. About wearing the yukata that the Lady bought for him.
He chattered away to her as they walked down the hill toward the festival. Every so often he would stop and stare at the passersby. The Lady wondered what he was looking at . They were just humans whether they be alive or dead. Then she remembered what Kagome told her. The dead humans came back at Obon. That is what Souta was staring at.
She eKagome telling her that she had always been able to see youkai and other worldly folk. It made sense that her son would inherit that though he was inherited youkai blood from Inuyasha he also inherited priestly powers from his mother. How youki and reki could coexist in one body she did not know Maybe it was like the way the little one's human and youkai sides coexisted.
They finally reached the river after Souta cnsumed his weight in bad food. Insised on playing rigged games watched fireworks with her. Afer all the oohs and aahs it was time to set the little lantern adrift. She helped him light and allowed him to set it adrift. They both watched the lttile boat sail donw the stream until suddenly it was snatched out of the stream.
To her surprise,there stood her mate and Izayoi looking just as dead as they crossed the bridge of eternity. A trear came to her eye. She thought that she would never see him again in this life when he crossed he bridge. Turning to Souta, she ponted them out and told him that the man was his grandfather and the woman was grandmother.
Souta ran out into the stream. For a moment she was afraid, but the hands that held the lantern picked up Souta in the other hand. She was just glad that Souta was safe Her mate and Izyaoi were too busy with Souta to look at her Suddenly she felt an arm grab her by the shoulders.
"Good to see you again, Old Man. It has been a long time Old Lady"
She turned to admonish him. It set a bad example for Souta to use rude terms for his mother and father. She and his mother had taught him better. Inuyasha just laughed. " This coming from someone who revels in being called "Baba: by her grandson. Besides, it helps me sort things out. She was always "Old Lady" to me. While you were always "Honored Mother" I love you both. I just need to sort out my feelings. I was lucky that both of you were mothers