Drabble Prompt 06 - Incentive

Nov 23, 2010 15:58

Title: Sesshoumaru's Gift
Author: Hairann
Prompt: Incentive
Rating: T
Genre: Drama
Word count: 250
Characters: Jaken/Sesshoumaru, Lord and servant relationship, not a BL story.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6305970/1/Jakens_Ballad
Summary: Part 43 of Jaken's Ballad. Back in present day.

“It is nothing you need concern yourself with, my lord. Apparently my existence was all of the incentive a priest needed to shoot me with an arrow. Well to have his charge shoot me anyways. Are all humans that rude or was he merely an exception?” Jaken inquired before turning his attention back to the demon that had been thrown into the clearing and finding him trying to stand.

“It would seem that they are all that rude,” Sesshoumaru informed him, remembering the few encounters he had with them as well, most of which ended in their deaths when they tried to attack him unprovoked. Noticing the bear's movement, Sesshoumaru quickly closed in on him and sliced through him with his claws, quickly ending the demon's life.

“If I may ask, what is with the demon? Surely it did not think itself strong enough to attack you.”

“No, it is a gift,” Sesshoumaru explained only to be met by a confused expression. “In the white dog clan, when a member of importance reaches a milestone in their life, they are rewarded with the strongest, unintelligent demon to feast upon.”

“You mean eat it?” As Sesshoumaru gave him a look stating he would not answer stupid questions, Jaken found himself torn. On one hand, he had no desire to eat another demon, but on the other, he did not wish to anger his lord, especially since he doubted this was something Sesshoumaru would do again.

author: hairann, challenge #09 - incentive

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