Ayame Claim Set 1 Theme#81 Regret

Sep 13, 2011 14:07

Title: Moon God's Lament
Theme: Set #1 Theme 81 Regret
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 187
Rating: G
Summery: Ayame doubts the Moon God will be back.
Note:  Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.

Moon God’s Lament.

“Hey Sis, Did you ever think those old stories of the Moon God were true?” Rira said.

“Yes. I know they are. Tsu-chan says the wolf that fell in love with the Moon was still wandering the earth,” Ayame said.


“Yeah. She and Kai-kun helped her reach him. I think he had all those brides as way to regain his original lost love.”

“When you say it like that, it sounds more romantic and less creepy.”

“I think he was lonely, that’s all,” Ayame said.

“So he stole hundreds of girls throughout the generations for the sake of his own dream. No, I can see that, but that doesn’t make it right. I wonder if he’ll continue to do so?”

“I doubt that. He got his desired eternity.”

“I wonder… why he couldn’t see her?” Rira asked.

“Maybe she didn’t want to see him after he abandoned her? Or maybe he cursed her? Whatever the reason, I think he regretted it, but was probably too prideful.”

Rira nodded. “That’s probably it. We are a very proud people. We probably learned that from him.”

claim: ayame, rating: k, author: ginnekomiko, set #1 theme #081: 後悔 regret

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