Title: Growing Up Theme: Set #2 Theme 58 a woman's clothes Genre(s): AR Word Count: 306 Rating: G Summery: Tsuki wants to get her armor and be considered an adult.
Title: Then and Now Theme: Set #2 Theme 8 difference Genre(s): AR Word Count: 198 Rating: G Summery: Ginta and Hakaku ponder the differences between then and now. ( Read more... )
Title: Lucky Name Theme: Set #1 Theme 19 Fate Genre(s): AR Word Count: 188 Rating: G Summery: Kouga and Ayame name their pups. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title:Switching Off Author ginnekomiko Theme Set 1 Theme 85 Dawn Rating: K Word Count: 300 Summary:Ayame goes to visit the army and Kouga is taking care of the litter.
Title: Wandering Eyes Theme: Set #1 Theme 39 Wandering Genre(s): AR Word Count: 196 Rating: G Summery: There's a problem with the runt... Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title: Effortless Author: PandaStarz Theme: Set 2, Theme 76: Persuasion Word Count: 225 Rating: G Summary: Flung into the Modern Era, Sesshoumaru requiress human money.
Title: A Sheer Work of Art Theme: Set 1, Theme 94 Pairing/Characters: Inuyasha/Bankotsu, Sesshoumaru, Kaede Genre: Romance/Humor AU Words: 1,049 Rating: T Summary: Bankotsu is in the dark about something but Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru can see it all clear as day.
Title: Wolf-Form Theme: Set #1 Theme 91 Drastic Measures Genre(s): AR Word Count: 300 Rating: G Summery: Sometimes it's useful to transform into a wolf. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title: Oil Slick Theme: Set 1, Theme 10 Fandom: Inuyasha Author: lynx212 Chars/Pairs: Inuyasha/Bankotsu and Kouga/Miroku Genres: romance/smut/humor Rating: M Warnings: A little kinky but nothing you guys can't handle ^_^ Word Count: 949 Summary: Inuyasha/Bankotsu and Kouga/Miroku smexy times... nuff said
Title: Progression Theme: Set #2, Theme #9, Regret Characters: Sesshoumaru & Miroku Genre: Drama, General Word Count: 200 Rating: PG Author’s Note: This is part of a series called Vassal. Summary: CU. Stories change along with perspectives.