Week 158 - High School AU

Sep 14, 2008 02:26

[TITLE] Making the Scene
[AUTHOR] Yabou
[RATING] PG-13 - Language, Sexual Suggestions
[GENRE] Drama/Humor
[UNIVERSE] Alternate
[SUMMARY] Reality wasn't worth scripting.
The halls were unexpectedly quiet, but her heart still thundered against her ribcage, echoing a constant reminder of just how wrong this was. With strength she hadn’t known she possessed, Kagome turned away and slammed the door of her locker closed.

Every movement she made pronounced the finality of her decision, but they could both sense the weakness lurking inside of her romantic soul.

“Kagome,” he gruffly whispered, hand snaking out to grasp her wrist. “Don’t do this.”

Jerking away from him, she strained to hold back her tears. None of it seemed worth it anymore. He was just another stupid boy. High school wasn’t supposed to be this hard. “Do what exactly, Inuyasha? I’m tired of trying to figure out your riddles. Either you say what you mean, or you say nothing at all.”

“Don’t-” he started to speak, but the words caught in his throat as he caught sight of the woman standing at the end of the hall.

“School is out for the day,” a cool, feminine voice intoned. “I believe it is passed time for all students to exit the building.”

Kagome stumbled at the headmaster’s abrupt appearance, cheeks tinged pink at the thought of exactly what the older female had been doing earlier that day. “Y-yes, Mrs. Tanaka. We were just leaving.”

“Oh, come off it, Kikyo,” the eighteen-year-old male was less enthusiastic to abide by her rules. “We’ll be gone soon enough. I’m just trying to explain.”

“Explain,” Kagome choked. “What is there to explain? You were… y-you were…”

“Fucking, Kagome. We were fucking,” Inuyasha finished the sentence that she was unable to. “It’s not a big deal. I don’t see why you’re taking this so seriously. She doesn’t mean anything to me. I swear.”

Outraged, the younger woman felt her anger rise as she stomped forward and gave him a few firm pokes to the chest. “She’s our principal, Inuyasha, and you were my boyfriend. You’re not supposed to do that! I’m pretty sure that you have a lot of explaining to do!”

“I agree,” a fourth voice entered the conversation. “It would seem that Mrs. Tanaka and Mr. Konton, both, have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha sneered. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Ignoring his younger sibling, Sesshoumaru settled his gaze firmly on the unrelenting headmaster. “Would you care to shed some light on this situation, Mrs. Tanaka?”

A long hush followed the school board director’s question, and after several minutes of silence, the impatient, male ‘teenager’ cursed and kicked the wall. “Kagome, this is the third time. Why do you keep missing your lines?”

“I’m sorry, guys,” she quickly apologized, blushing prettily as she accepted a script from the nearest stage hand. “I just can’t get my head into it today.”

“Well, get it together,” Inuyasha rebuked. “We’ve got other stuff to do today, and you’re slowing us down.”Kagome attempted to repeat her request for forgiveness, however, the taller male overcame her words. “We will begin again, Inuyasha. Nothing can be done about the past, but your senseless prattling is wasting more time.”

“Oh, shove it, Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha groused. “Why don’t you bend over and let someone pull that stick out of your ass? Why the fuck are you even here in the first place? Don’t you have better things to do than hang all over your barely legal eye candy?”

“This is reality television, mongrel, and I am an active member of the school system.”

The hanyou scowled. “Since when?”

“Inuyasha,” Kagome interrupted, stepping between the two half-brothers and raising her arms to prevent the impending scuffle. “Let’s just start over. We’re wasting time.”

“Screw this,” Inuyasha glowered. “Let them figure out what to do with this shit. Scripting fucking high school - what a dumb ass idea. Who the hell watches it anyway?” Muttering to himself, the I petulant teen stormed down the hallway and busted threw the clambering crew like a vengeful god seeking to punish a wayward village.

Kagome sighed and threw up her hands at his sudden departure. “I give.”

“Let us depart,” Sesshoumaru declared, gathering the young woman close to his side and heading for the exit while leaving the still stunned crew with only one actress to complete their scene.

In the parking lot, Kagome felt the weight of her stressful day sliding away as she slid into the passenger seat of the car and began to leave Tokyo District #413’s Secondary School behind her. “I never thought being in a reality show would be so hard. Who knew life could be this scripted?”

“It is a matter of cinema to prepare for every possible outcome and to create an acceptable one when the truth reveals itself to be too dull,” her companion replied.

“Yeah,” Kagome agreed, hands combing through her hair to remove any wayward knots. “I still can’t believe they’re trying to convince people that Kikyo is my long, lost sister. We look nothing alike.”

“The audience, as a whole, can be very gullible if they so choose.”

“Hmm,” Kagome smiled when they finally pulled into the driveway of his apartment building. “You know, one good thing has come out of this whole messy day.”

Sesshoumaru glanced her way, his eyes straying a little lower than necessary when he replied. “And what is that?”

“I’m still in my school uniform, and my mother doesn’t expect me home for another three hours. Why don’t we go upstairs and see exactly what you can teach me, Professor?”

#158 high school au, yabou

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