Title: Unexpected interruption
Author: Hairann
Prompt: Rest or Wrest
Word count: 224
Characters: Jaken/Sesshoumaru, Lord and servant relationship, not a BL story.
Summary: Part 186 of Jaken's Ballad.
Prompt Summary: Jaken's trip back home is interrupted by an unfriendly arrival.
Excited about the prospects of being able to see his newly hatched young, Jaken paid far less attention to his surroundings than he should have been. If he had been concentrating like he knew to do, he would have sensed the demon's presence long before it had ever began to speak. Not because he was powerful enough to sense such a strong demon, but because it had been following them long enough that he would have had to be completely powerless to not sense by the time it broke the silence.
For even the dragon, young as it was, was able to sense the incoming danger and began scanning the trees on either side of the dirt trail they followed. However, this went unnoticed by his guardian as he was too lost in his own thoughts to notice the dragon's growing concern. No, it took the demon speaking suddenly to draw the toad prince's attention.
“A mythical two-headed dragon is not so mythical after all,” a dark, sinister voice called out causing Jaken to stop suddenly and, had he not already been cold blooded, his blood certainly would have run cold. “It shall make the perfect addition to the rest of my collection,” the voice informed them cruelly; easily letting both of them know the demon had nothing good planned for the dragon.