Title: It's Okay
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Pairings: Inu/Kik
Warnings: erm, Broken Inu/Kag
Thought I'd try my hand at one of these. Inuyasha was my first fandom so...
This is a Kogame one-shot based on her feelings about Inuyasha leaving her for Kikyo for the umpteenth time.
Not exactly sure what this is, but eh.
I'm smiling, and I'm laughing, and I'm screaming, and I'm crying.
But I'm okay.
I'm furious, I'm frothing, I'm jealous, I'm sad.
But I'm okay.
I am confused, crushed, crazy, conflicted.
But I'm okay.
I'm everything she was, and yet not enough.
But I'm okay.
I'm sick now, dying now, losing now, lost now.
But I'm okay.
I'm lonely, without you, comfortless, pitiable.
But I'm okay.
She's there, and I'm not.
But I'm okay.
It's okay