Gachapon Log

Dec 10, 2010 02:21

Advent10: bittersweet05
Advent11: guild11 symphony08
Advent12: daisy26 symphony30 checkmate21
Advent13: feathers25 host30
PuzzleE: daisy10 seven18
Memory: clow06 token
Distortion: bittersweet07 guild16 token token
Library: maid10 childhood01
PuzzleH: seiso09 strongest08 token expel02 onigiri01 token bittersweet08 voice08 Gachapurple token fairy10 token
Slots: goddess26 wishes17 loveless19

Advent1: platinum17 promise19
Advent2: Gachaballs x 3 (blue)
Front: shinigami26 symphony25
Advent3: ring29
Memory: cephiro20 token
Character: deus14 gachablue tokens x 2
Puzzle: wishes18 token
Advent4: sakura18
Donation: voice02 princess12 sadako10 wonderland17 britannia25 voice17 cephiro11 sadako06 fairy05 gema23
Advent05: 4x Tokens
Front: kitten01 hanabito01 capture01 constellation01
Advent06: prince04
Advent07: deus30
Advent08: detective14 blood13
Advent09: sakura19 promise15
Memory: Token blood13
Outfit: childhood16 token
Puzzle: strangers04 token
Slots: platinum09 tennyo24 hearts04
CardCut: blood02 messiah16 token x 2
Featured: prince07
Mystery: shinigami03 token x 2
Ruined: igura09 gachasilver
♥ Traded: loveless10/18/20 and host06 for Rizu's voice02, symphony06, clow11 and rose17

Front: prejoin08 strays08 (bado x Heine!) redemption07 detective15 layout03
Wardrobe: artwork02 token
Slots: princess02 fairy19 voice26
Memory: princess14 token
Puzzle: symphony16 token
Ruined: happiness03 greenchagha
MysteryBook: seven05 token
Featured: senshi08 rose05 cross17
Distortion: strangers13 red two tokens
Gachamachine: 2 orange 1 grey normal (-9)

Front: alice20 sadako17 childhood20 blood02
Library: guild18
Traded abyss05/08 checkmate10 for skylariea's rose08/09/14
Manga: host01
distortion: crow14 two token
Memory: loveless18 token
puzzle: goddess05 token shinigami15 token
Slots: strongest06 wonderland06 abyss27
Machine: 3 tokens
Drewthis: loveless10 senshi15 token
Puzzle: princess07 token blood12 token artwork13 cross07 gachagreen token senshi18 token

Cardclaim: Shinigami04
front: voice11 sakura17 layout02 bittersweet10 maid8 clow01
mysterbook: abyss05 2 tokens
gachamachine: 3 tokens
Puzzleseires: loveless14 token guild02 token
disortion: clow06 greenghacha 2 tokens
whodrewthis: promise08 tennyo16 token
memory: expel11 token
puzzle: ring17 token
Halloween: expel05 gema07 crow17 seven17 triangle12 event04
Slots: senshi27 prince15 abyss08
♥ traded angel04 for Shinigami01

Lilu claimed Platinum05 for Halloween Event
Jessica claimed persacom17
♥ Traded happiness08, seven01 for fadingwarmth's symphony09, voice16
Memory: feathers18 token
Puzzle: strongest14 token
Slots: loveless01 host06 crow27
Front: event04
Guesswho: daisy06 gahcayellow 2 tokens

faidingwarmth claimed feathers16 for ToT
Slots: happiness08 deus09 daisy10 voice29
Puzzle: guild12 tolken
Memory: seven01 token
Hpuzzle: host01 Token voice09 Token

♥ Traded voice07 for lethe's voice07 and membercard

Frontpost: shinigami17 rose15 princess07 shinigami25 loveless20
Swaped crow10 for symphony10
Gachamachine: gachagrey cgachagreen (7 tokens)
Donations: voice20 symphony02
Claimed: Guild14

♥ Traded abyess0920 for enfacade's voice0120 and membercard
Frontpost: daisy27, guild15, strongest17 artwork09 wishes18 layout01 season01
wardrobe: ring15 token
slots: symphony23 strongest02/03
puzzle: platinum05 token feathers16 symphony24
memory: clow18 token
character: gatchagreen/orange token
Claim: used two gatachgreen got symphony04 voice14
Claimed: checkmate10 and clow04
frontpost: Claimed voice03 symphony03 clow03

starterpack: jun hearts26 voice15 voice08 abyss09 deus19 crow10 angel04 artwork08 cephiro15 angel08
Distrotion: revenge18
Memory: token symphony18
Wardrobe: persocom17 token
puzzle: symphony01 token
Book: gachagreen gachagreen token
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