I'm pretty sure you can tranfer your bookmarks from Safari to Firefox and vice versa. So you should be able to do that. If you need help, just ask! Pretty sure I've done it before.
Actually, I've tried to. Safari is absolutely inoperable on this computer. The little message was something like "ERROR: THESE FILES DO NOT EXIST." >:[ Then again, my Mac may have documented the death of the dinosaurs..
Dude, really? Well, I'm fresh out of ideas, short of finding the actual files yourself. That might work. Also, a Mac that's still alive and can run Safari leaves me in awe. I'm taken my MBP in for repairs 2-3 times in the past year and a half. >.>;
Comments 3
Also, a Mac that's still alive and can run Safari leaves me in awe. I'm taken my MBP in for repairs 2-3 times in the past year and a half. >.>;
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