Izzie has been slaving over a hot keyboard for the last 60 minutes typing out her commentaries on articles for Cornelius's class.
Iz never did like saving stuff here because it just gets too crowded and we got to scroll past it all and can never find it later. But then Iz thinks - well that's what the sidebar is for you silly thing and you can always put stuff in Memories if you don't want to go looking for it.
Yesss. Looks like Ujournal has well and truly gone the way of the Dinosaurs.
Iz is a bit peeved about the stuff she never got to save from April 2003 to June 2003. By that stage it was well and truly clear that all the Izzie serpentine associates had deserted in search of bluer waters (yesss - the decor was much nicer over there) and Iz was well and truly glad she came over too.
All those auditing essays and weekly assignments are now at the bottom of some Cyberian harbor along with the rest of the Izzie UJ squiggles. Was only reading recently that some other blog spot went belly up with no warnings or nothing. Yet another of these one man shows. Iz read about it courtesy of the Cat over at Kuro5hin or The Register or one of those geek lurks.
Was not that long ago that UJ were offering permanent accounts for 50 US silver sickles and then some ridiculously cheap special offer second anniversary thingie of $$ 5 paid accounts for a whole 12 months. But it was the talk of bringing in adverts some time back in April that made Iz suspect they were really desperate for cash. I guess those permanent account purchasers must be really peeved by now.
Seems to be down for over 3 weeks now and Iz was grumpy over here when she was without her LJ fix for just 3 DAYS!
Iz would be so so lost without her online portable Pensieve.
Well, that's given Izzie's blood enough time to cool down after nearly reaching boiling point about 3 hours ago. Iz can think of at least 2 people she would love to ship off to Guantanamo Bay for a fair and balanced trial. As far as Cornelius and his assistant are concerned, David Hicks and Mahmdu Habib are guilty merely for being in Afghanistan when they got nabbed by those Americans and of course he is going to get a fair trial.
Izzie said that not only has he not killed or injured any Americans but the laws that they got him under are retrospective which makes them as good as worthless. Not to mention the whole outrageous business of tearing up the Geneva Conventions with these pathetic 'enemy combatant' classifications when these people should all be treated as prisoners of War.
They replied that things are different now. How would you feel if those planes had crashed not in New York but downtown Dursleyville. Iz replies "I'd be pissed off as hell but the whole point of the rule of law is to keep emotion out of it. That's why folks whose children have been murdered or daughters raped are not allowed to dispense their own justice to those accused of the crime."
Iz continued her rant about how the deaths of these particular 3,000 people have been used to justify all sorts of things. But at least another 3,000 people got killed on September 11 way back in 1973 but they didn't matter because they were only Chilean. Iz also added that Osama Bin Laden and the rest of those accused should be tried for murder under international law and it should not be left for one country to just go bombing the hell out of where ever they like as an act of impotent revenge.
They then started going on about just wars and name dropping stuff like Thomas Aquinas and God knows who else. Izzie replies that the best definition she has ever heard of a just war was in a Michael Leunig cartoon where a little boy is asking his father who is reading the newspaper "What is the difference between 'a just war' and 'just a war' and the dad replies 'A just war' is one that we are going to take part in and 'just a war' is a war that has already happened."
Actually, before all that stuff got going they were discussing the difference between pragmatism and moral absolutism and gave some example of the Catholic Church declaring that it is always wrong to kill regardless of the circumstances. Iz retorted that is not quite true as she has seen plenty of news reports where bishops and priests have blessed not only soldiers going off to war but even the bombs they were using!
"Oh but that's POLITICS. We are getting off the subject." Iz was pretty damn peeeeeved at this point
Oh yess. Of course. Politics and ethics have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other!"
The other thing Iz found strange was that they kept going on about the price of petrol going over $$1.20 a litre and how it was going to get worse because of those Arabs (Especially the Iraqis) Iz couldn't help but get the impression that they considered it justified to use force to get OUR OIL from these unreasonable Arabs.
They are also not averse to making rather insulting and generalized remarks about Arabs and Muslims in general which the Malaysian and Indonesian students pull them up on. This is rather unusual as these folks are normally so quiet and docile. But even the nicest folks who just want to get on with their studies and cause as little trouble as possible can only put up with so many insults before biting back.
Izzie does not expect folks to have the same values as her - especially the dark green ones and can easily understand differences on issues such as abortion, the death penalty, gay rights and what constitutes reasons for a 'just war' but does find it scary when people think that the rule of law and fair trials are utterly expendable values to be dumped at the slightest moment that they prove to be inconvenient.
It was quite amusing actually. Some folks joined in the bitching session and others just looked dumbfounded that some one would DARE question the wisdom of our all knowing lecturers. Iz was delighted afterwards when another student came up to her at the end of class and says "I saw a movie recently that I know you would just love. It's "The fog of war"" Iz asked if that was the one with Robert McNamara and we then got on to discussing
Noam Chomsky and stuff and she was telling Iz more about the movie. Iz added it was nice to know that she was not alone and that years ago the thought of doing such a thing in a class would have been utterly unthinkable. (That dreadful Dursleyish influence) She added - oh I know just what you mean. I guess it comes with age." She was one of the older ones there and had added her two silver sickles worth during the discussion.
Izzie still cannot get over how they can have such pathetic creatures running this course who are constantly contradicting themselves and insulting as many people as humanly possible. But then again, Iz has come to expect nothing less from the School of Management where the last time Iz had a tutor from there he was telling us how stupid the teacher was who squealed on one of her students for blatant plagiarism. It was a very big scandal way back in 2001. This poor tutor got hauled over the coals and got no support from higher management while the sneak and thief slinked back to Singapore with her cheat's degree and her pathetic sob stories about dying dads and car accidents. I mean, the bitch had been caught cutting and pasting on numerous occasions and if she really did have family problems, she should have got a deferral like everyone else does in such situations.
His opinion was that the tutor was an inexperienced young thing who should just mind her own business and not rock the boat.