they shoot idiots, don't they?

Aug 11, 2009 21:01

It's come to the point that I don't really give a shit if this is totally obvious and this reaches your eyes in less-than-savory ways, after all, you're good at hitting below the belt, so I figure it's time you experience a little bit of what you keep doling out.

I can understand if you want the entire world to think you're a sweet, nice, sunshiney person. It's perfectly fine--admirable even, because these days, the Vatican doesn't have a lot of people on their Dying to be Canonized List. I know a lot of people who want the whole world to like them, and again, that's fine by me, since it's not my time or energy they're wasting. You know when it does become my problem? It's when you start making ripples in my little pond.

Then, it's not so cool.

When you start hurting my friends, my fucking friends, things are so not fucking cool. When you start trying to tear other people down and ruin friendships just to make yourself look good and feel secure, then we're going to have a fucking problem. I don't care what magnified wrong you feel I or anyone else did to you, you have no right to lie and manipulate and make anyone feel like they're shit. But then again, you do that to your regular friends too, so I guess it's a pretty hard habit to kill, huh? Regardless, I can't help but reiterate this one more time, you have no right, ever, to tell anyone anything that will belittle anyone, just to build yourself up. You don't try to ruin other people's friendships so you can take the leftovers for yourself. This isn't a fucking game, and you're not the fucking center of the fucking world.

The people you're so desperately trying to hurt are obviously over whatever grudge you're still clutching to like a baby, so get a fucking clue. People get hurt, they screw each other over. That's how life works; most people would just cut their losses and learn to become better people, the question you should ask yourself is if you want to be part of the abberation that go on to become deviants.

Grow the fuck up. You're not the only injured party.

friends, rage

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