F i r s t s
First best friend: Danika Matthews, kindergarten. She moved away when I was six and I have no idea what happened to her :(
First car: Oh, gosh! It was like, a 1988 Honda Accord. I still have it, at my house, back home? And now I get to drive this sweet Lexus that belongs to SHIELD, but I'm always afraid I'm going to wreck it or get a parking ticket or something.
First real kiss: Okay, so this is complicated, but Benjamin McDonald and I went to a dance in the seventh grade, right, and he kissed me. And I hated it. I thought it was just him, right, but um...it was just because Ben was a him. The first girl I kissed was in college, named Kate. I have fond memories of Kate.
First break-up: I've not had one. I never really dated anyone to break up with them!
First screen name:: Geeky_Genetics. Shut UP, okay, it was for AOL and I made it up really fast.
First self purchased album: I am pretty sure it was New Kids on the Block. Ugh.
First pets: A fish named Oscar in college. I loved that thing. I forgot to feed it during finals, though, woops. Probably why I'm never having children.
First piercing/tattoo: My ears, that's all. I can't imagine what I'd get a tattoo of!
First credit card: A Discover card in college. I would not put more than fifteen bucks on it at a time, haha! I used to have nightmares I was paying it off late. I do have some credit debt now, but not a lot.
First true love: Science
First enemy: My best friend in junior high, Aimee. She became my worst enemy when she told the whole school I said I liked girls. Which I pretended wasn't true, and now I'm sad about that. I should have stood up for myself. But other than that, I don't have any enemies. Although I know enough people who do.
First big trip: Well, my mom went to NASA and I ended up zapped by a cosmic ray. But I guess maybe I should say my trip to Sweden when I was eleven. It was awesome--I got to see the Nobel Science prizes awarded! Wow. I want to win one for genetics. Maybe me and Dr. Essex will! I bet we'd make quite a pair accepting that award!!
First music you remember hearing in your house: My mom loves Bruce Springsteen.
l a s t s
Last cigarette: I don't smoke, eww!
Last car ride: Dr. Essex and I went grocery shopping a few days ago.
Last good cry: A few weeks ago. I don't cry a lot.
Last library book checked out: This book about journeying to Antarctica. I liked it.
Last movie seen: Dr. Essex and I watched Turn of the Screw, which he hated and I liked.
Last beverage drank: Delicious coffee!
Last food consumed: Breakfast--I had cereal, some toast, and scrambled eggs.
Last crush: Well, honestly? I had a crush on my boss's girlfriend, but she probably knows that :) And, ah, I guess I have one now. Um. Her name is--Raven.
Last fuck: Raven
Last phone call: My mom, yesterday.
Last time showered: This morning.
Last shoes worn: Ballet flats.
Last item bought: I--I bought a dress. And some stockings. And some...other things. God.
Last annoyance: Dr. Essex trying to talk to me while American Idol was on last night. GRR! Thank goodness for TiVo.
Last time wanting to die: I don't think I've ever wanted to die?
Last time scolded: Yesterday, while working, Dr. Essex snickered at my Chi-Squares! Ugh! Whatever, I don't even think calculus had been INVENTED when he was alive!
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends? Rachel. And even though I think I pissed him off, I really like Pyro. Little Val is really cute.
02. Are you single, in a relationship, or married? Um. I think I'm...involved.
03. do you prefer one serious relationship or lots of not-so- serious relationships? I don't know.
04. who do you hang out with the most? Dr. Essex, probably. Huh. That kind of...says a lot.
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? The Discovery Store
s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? Just caffeine
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences
03. what are you most scared of? My girlfriend. Her daughter. her boyfriend. I don't like heights.
04. what are you listening to right now? My Tori Amos CD Little Earthquakes.
05. where do you want to get married? I would first like the country to give me the right to do so, thanks. But it'd be fun to get married by a lake.
07. what would you change about yourself? The way I stammer when I'm nervous.
f a v o u r i t e s
01. color: Blue.
02. food: Chips and French Onion dip.
03. boys' names: I don't know? Christopher is a nice name.
04. girls' names: Marley. I think it's cute!
05. subjects in school: SCIENCE!
06. animals: Leopards.
07. sports: I'm not into sports. Does sex count? That, then.
08. perfume/cologne: Vanilla.
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yeah, my little brother
02. bungee jumped? Eek! No! Afraid of heights!
03. made yourself throw up? Not on purpose, eww!
04. skinny dipped? Nope
05: been in love? Not yet
06. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I tried once, but it didn't work.
07. pictured your crush naked? Yup.
08. actually seen your crush naked? Um. yes.
09. cried when someone died? My grandparents are all dead, but I barely remember them.
10. lied? Have you met me? I'm really awful at lying.
11. fallen for your best friend? or worst enemy? Do assassins count?
12. been rejected? A lot of times.
13. rejected someone? Once or twice.
14. used someone? I hope not!
15. done something you regret? Not a lot, really. I mean, mistakes are just things you make while you learn to get things right.
c u r r e n t
clothes: Jeans, a t-shirt with a polar bear on it. It's all faded and vintage-y.
make-up: Lipgloss.
annoyance: work things--no one would get it if I wrote it all out.
smell: Gap's "Pink" Scent bodyspray.
desktop picture: Okay...it's...Raven's Interpol picture.
cd in player: Tori
dvd in player: Where the Boys Aren't Nothing.
color of toenails: Sparkly purple. Dr. Essex thought I had a disease. I have no idea how Rachel puts up with him.
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Raven
hugged: Rachel
you imed: My brother
you fucked: Um. Raven.
a r e | y o u
understanding: I try to be!
open-minded: Uh...do you know who my boss is, who my friends are, and who I'm dating?
arrogant: Maybe about my brain :)
insecure: A lot, yeah
interesting: Compared to most of the people I know? Mutant terrorists, assassins, Victorian immortal geniuses, girls with glowing eyes and otherworldy powers? Not at all!
hungry: Nope.
moody: Sometimes
organized: Yes
healthy: Yes
shy: People think so, but I'm really not. I'm just kind of awkward.
attractive: I hope so?
bored easily: no
responsible: yes
obsessed: Yeah, I maybe am right now. About someone a few things.
angry: Not usually.
sad: Not usually, no.
disappointed: When things don't work out right, sure.
happy: ...I--I think so, yeah.
hyper: I can be :)
trusting: Probably too much.
talkative: In the right situation, with the right people, and about the right things :) Or, you know. If I'm drunk.
legal: . . . um.
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: No one!
slap: Can't think of anyone. Maybe some sense into Pyro? KIDDING JOHN! Unless it would work.
look like: That girl that plays Lilly on Veronica Mars. I keep forgetting her name. Or maybe I don't want to look like her, I just want to sleep with her? That's probably it.
talk to offline: Raven. But I don't know what I'd say? Rachel, of course.
talk to online: My brother.
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: Sometimes I drink Diet Coke
flowers or candy: candy
tall or short: I have no preference.
r a n d o m
in the morning I am: In need of coffee!
all I need are: A well-stocked laboratory and unending funding!
what do you notice first: Girls? Hey, what do you think?
last person you danced with: Rachel!
worst question to ask: "How'd you get so smart?"
who makes you smile: Dr. Essex. Look, most of you don't like him but he can be really funny.
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Um. Guess?
who has a crush on you: I don't--I don't know.
d o | y o u | e v e r
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: HA!
wish you were younger: Nope.
n u m b e r
of times I have had my heart broken: Um. Once. But it wasn't because of love.
Number of hearts I have broken: Pretty sure that'd be none.
of guys I've kissed: One
of girls I've kissed: A lot.
of continents I have lived in: One
of really good friends: Maybe three?
of cds I own: Thirty maybe? I have most of my music on an MP3 Player.
of scars on body: One, on my back. I was in a car accident when I was little. I blacked out and don't remember what happened, but I guess some glass cut me and it's stayed there. I forget about it.