haha! Ere told me yesterday that in campaign I was an amazing coward. pfft. I replied I was just campaign savvy.
1sav·vy Pronunciation: \ˈsa-vē\ Function:verb Inflected Form(s):sav·vied; sav·vy·ingEtymology:alteration of sabi know (in English-based creoles and pidgins), from Portuguese sabe he knows, from saber to know, from
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Comments 2
I wasn't 'hiding behind a little wall' I was moving out of range of the NM. If the rest of the people hitting it had moved also then the NM wouldnt have linked with it. Its amazing to me how people wont move a mob for better advantage. Sesh is another like you. He was in battle the other day and I was beating on the same mob. It was right next to a half dozen others that were beating on the Fort. Every JA they did we were getting the effect from also. He refused to move it so I found another mob.
Survival of a campaign battle isnt my goal. If thats so I wouldnt go because I WILL die.
Enjoying the fight, getting experience and killing the mobs is my goal.
I guess you can do campaign your way, I'll do mine my way. :P
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