I mulled it over last night and shot Jojoe an email saying I was taking a break from the LS and if that was not OK then let me know and I'd just drop the pearl instead of just taking it off. Haven't heard back yet.
I'm THAT stressed and or 'worked up' over this stupid LS drama. I need a break away from the cowardly, stupid, rude, unhelpful assholes
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Still, let me know if you want to hang out or need help with anything during your hiatus, and I'll do what I can.
I know there's always been a few in LSs I have been in that made playing more fun (previous posts) but the majority are rude assholes (previous post on rudeness) and it honestly does 'stress' me to be around people like that. I want to poke their eyeballs out while holding their tongue with hot pincers... o.o; LOL or at least wash their mouths out with soap, spank them and send them home to momma. Hells they'd prolly like the spanking part...sick bastards...
Santi you're not always rude, just sarcastic. :P (but I can forgive tartaru almost anything lol)
I wonder during my break if I can blist Vor? LOL Shit! He's in the Nyzul group I am going with starting Sunday...damn.
Ere just let me know when your salvage is starting. I will make sure to be on.
Jojoe approved my LOA and said I didn't have to take the LS off. If you don't always see me on the LS tho, look in FL to see if I am on :P
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ya, damn I wish I did drink still!!
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