Title: Alone in the Light, Prologue
j_green_teeth Universe/Series: reboot
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 270 of ~41,000
Warnings: Minor/OC Character Death, discussion of Suicide (highlight to view complete warnings)
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Spock, implied Scotty/Uhura, OC/OC, ensemble, Many OCs
Ensign Able Swanson risked a glance behind him as he sprinted towards the beam down point. The determined pack of dinosaur-like creatures was eating up the ground between them. Nigel, Monmoth and Quing were dead and there was no sign of Juana, Harper or Mendleson. If the they hadn’t reached the beam-down coordinates by now they were as good as dead too.
Not slowing down, he fumbled to get his communicator off his belt and into his hand. He tried to flip it open and swore as he dropped it. He lost precious heartbeats scrambling for it in the loose rock. Finally his fingers closed around the slick black casing. He sprinted forward again and used both hands to open the communicator. Its familiar beeping was almost lost in the skid of gravel and the distant baying of the dinosaurs.
“Swanson to Enterprise. I need emergency beam-out!” He reached the beam-out zone, the dead center of a rocky crater, and whirled to check the beasts’ progress. If they got him it would all be over and he really didn’t want to die on this pathetic planet.
A tinny reply came as the beasts came roaring over a ridge of rocks. “Stand by for transport in three...” His sweaty fingers slid over the tiny black button on the back of the communicator.
“...two...” A mechanical chirping whirr filled the air.
“...one.” Able had a moment to panic as the lizards, still fifty feet away, started bellowing their final charge. Their feet shook the ground, adding a rhythmic thundering counterpoint. Then the shimmering deafness of dematerialization took hold.
Part 1