Kettle of Trouble - Take II j2_crack Halloween-Meme Some good news, some bad news

Oct 26, 2014 18:56

So on the GOOD NEWS FRONT Our first fills are in!!!!!
When The Cat's Away Jared/Jensen by
Jay Skellington, the loneliest Pumpkin King Jared/Jensen by meus_venator

There has been a HUGE EPIC PROMPT FAIL ON MY PART.... I went to delete a duplicate entry for a fill I was posting and instead deleted the twenty some odd prompts I had posted \o/
I feel like passing crying. I have no other record of those prompts. I hope people out there that might be filling them, will just re-input the prompt on again.
I am soooo sorry. I wanted this to be filled with prompty goodness and now I have mistakenly erased them all of mine * head desk * There are still lots of great prompts, and if you were working on one of mine please keep going. UGHHHH!

Anyway, enjoy ilikecrystals shivery good fill and I hope you like mine!

**meme, **kettle of trouble, **we have new fills people

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