- 10 years ago (1995): i was 12. so you know my voice was cracking all over the place. have a little pity for kids that age.
- 5 years ago (2000): i was 17. in high school and turning my life around.
-1 year ago: i was 21. they actually allowede me to buy alcohol!!!! big mistake by them
- Tomorrow: is another day another .75 cents
- 5 snacks I enjoy: ships & queso, sodas, chips ahoy cookies, whatever else i find.(thats 5 if you count chips and queso as 2 :D)
- 5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: cold, godsmack, greenday, papa roach, metallica
- 5 things I would do with a $100,000,000: (in song form) "id buy you a fur coat but not a real fur coat thats cruel"(come on you know that was funny) no i would give a lot to my friends and family and buy all the big things house, car, things like that
- 5 bad habits I have: coughmasterbatingcough oh wait they said bad habits.
- 5 things I like doing:ummmm view previous question
- 5 things I will never wear: pink, tighty whitys, oh i cant wear silk boxers either(you might not want to know why),
- 5 T.V. shows I like: ------ i dont watch tv ---------
- 5 movies I like: AOD(army of darkness), spaceballs, a knights tale(just watched it), anything with swords
- 5 people I'd like to meet: bruce campbell, any of my lj friends, any of my yahoo friends, mel brooks
- 5 favorite toys: computer, internet(when it works), dvd player, knives, guns
- 5 people u tag: anyone who feels like it