name: Jillian
nicknames: Jill? haha
sex: Girl
birthdate: 6/28/89
place of birth: Nashua
current residence: Nashua
current hair color: Blonde
eye color: Blue
height: 5'0"
writing hand: Right
do you bite your nails: No just the skin around it..gross lol I know
can you roll your tongue: Nope
can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Yes
can you blow smoke rings: I don't smoke
can you blow spit bubbles: Yes haha
can you cross your eyes: Yeah
colored hair: Yes I have
piercings and where: My ears double pierced though I rarely wear earings
do you make your bed daily:Yes if not mom flips a shiit
which shoe goes on first: Never really noticed
how much money is usually in your wallet: Usually none but right now, $20
what jewelery do you wear: Always a necklace unless I'm playing sports
what's sexiest on a girl: Uh.. Don't know, don't look.
how many cereals are in your cabinet: 2
what utensils do you use when eating pizza: Fork and knife incase it's too hot to hold
how often do you brush your teeth: Twice a day
how often do you shower/bathe: Twice a day
how long do these showers last: 20-25 minutes
hair drying method: Depends on how im wearing it.. If curly, air dry, if straightening then I used the blow dryer
do you paint your nails: Just my toe nails
do you mumble to yourself: Yepp
do you burp in public: Yeah
person you talk most on the phone with: Rene
what color is your bedroom: White but I wanna paint it pinkk
do you use an alarm clock: For school and other occasions yess
name one thing or person you're obsessed with: Music && Derek Jeter
ever sunbathed in the nude: Nah not unless I'm at an actual tanning place..
window seat or aisle: Aisle
what's your sleeping position: Stomach
what kind of bed do you like: Water beds but mine poped not I have a plain old normal bed.. Bo0o!
in hot weather do you use a blanket: Always
do you snore:Nopee
do you sleepwalk: Nahh
do you talk in your sleep: Sometimes
lights on or off: Off please
do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: No wayy
last time you...
watched bambi: When I was 5?
cried: My birthday party..Haha YES PATHETIC!
talked on the phone: Like 2 seconds ago
read a book: A while ago..School I think.
punched someone: A while ago
where do you see yourself ten years from now: I don't know.. but hopefully I'll be happy
who are you gonna be married to and where: To Rene and I wanna get married on the beach
how many kids do you want to have: 2 or 3
your profession: Whatever makes me happy... Idk yet.. I wanna be a CSI but also a photographer
Softball practice tonight.. Pictures early tomorrow morning at 8:30 then our first game at 9:30!! Wooo.. exciting! Wish us luck!