My goodness but it took me a while. Here are my answers to the Role Playing quiz I posted a couple of weeks ago.
-Introductory Questions-
How long heave you been roleplaying?: Oh lord. Ten years now? At least? Maybe twelve?
What medium do you use?: Currently I tabletop and LARP. I used to be a fiend for the online roleplay but just don’t have the time anymore.
Who are your favorite characters?: I’ve always had a weak-spot for Relic. I ‘grew up’ playing Cro in a sense… I’m realizing that I’m just going to list all my longest played characters here. They had the most time to mutate and grow.
Do you cross-play? (Play characters that are not of the gender you identify with): Not really outside of DM/ST capacity.
Who was your first character?: Relic.
Who is your latest character?: Who’s actually made it out to a game? Alex “Achilles” Reeves.
Most Popular Character? Huh. Depends what crowd we’re talking about I suppose. For sheer numbers probably Cro.
Which character is most like you? I’m thinking maybe Cro, we don’t have the exact same merits and flaws but we’ve probably got about the same volume.
Who would you like to be more like? Huh… Alex is as dumb as a brick but has a bottomless well of confidence and energy that I find admirable.
Who’s the character you love but haven never played? I always have characters, brewing about, half formed in my head. I’d have to say King. He’s a (fairly setting neutral) mercenary and bounty hunter who I can only describe as ‘grotty to the extreme.’
-Which character would be most likely to-
Murder someone? Hah! Lamont.
Have a mental breakdown? Will.
Roleplay? Alex would try it grudgingly. Will probably would have before he got turned into a Vampire.
Do something stupidly dangerous for fun? Alex without a doubt.
Lay down his or her life for a stranger? Huh. Alex again.
Refuse to ask for directions? Cro.
Play in a band? Marcus
Perform Shakespeare? Lamont
Star in a horror movie? As the monster? Morro.
Star in an action movie? Alex.
Star in a sitcom? Hm. People seem to get a real kick out of poor Cro.
Star in a Porn? Alex was bamboozled into performing in some really cheap gay soft-core.
Star in a Videogame? I think Relic would make a neat video game character.
Get married? Cro did but that was HIGHLY unlikely. Lamont did as well and would happily remarry if it secured a political alliance.
Fall in love? Cro is hopeless.
Make the world a better place? Alex will in some small way, right before the end.
Regret his or her life? Ixidor regrets one panicked moment above all others.
-Word Association-
Relate each word to one of your characters.
Love: Lamont
Hate: Jon Vanya
Money: Lamont
Masks: Lamont again.
Flowers: Relic
Lies: Nestor
Music: Morro
Home: Ixidor
Tragedy: Ixidor
Sex: Will
Violence: Morro
Black: Morro
White: Cro
Fire: Jon Vanya
Ice: Lamont
Hope: Will
-The Best and the Most-
Who of your characters is the most realistic? Huh. What a weird damn question. Jon was burdened with some melodrama but there were moments when I felt like he could have stepped right out of me.
Who is the most fun to play? Ken was a blast.
Who do you respect most? Relic has a single-mindedness that I wish I had.
If you had a popularity contest within your group of characters who would win? Provided no one caught on to the snake? Lamont
With who’s views do you agree with most? Cro when he’s not being a horrible bigot.
Who kisses the best? Will, but he cheats.
Who would react best to realizing he or she is going to die? Cro perhaps? Having gone through it a couple of times now?
Who would react the worst? Morro would get… ugly.
Who would do best in school? Lamont is a smart mother-fucker and could cheat and get away with it.
Write out a high school transcript for your characters. (Grades in English, Math, Science, History, Foreign Languages, Gym, and teacher’s notes)
This question is a bit unwieldy isn’t it? I’m glad most people figured out to do just one character. I think I’m just going to skip it.
Who would be most interesting drunk? Describe them. Cro has been getting a lot of laughs when he’s drunk. Reckless, a little stumbly, flirty and even more vocally opinionated.
Which one of your characters would make the best roommate? Lamont is tidy and can be fun to be around.
Dance partner? Lamont again.
Husband/Wife? Ixidor
Super villain? Lamont
Teacher? Cro… maybe.
Business partner? Lamont for sure.
Friend? Alex can be loyal to a fault.
-Random Inquiries-
Who would resent knowing they’re a character? Most of them I think. Ixidor in particular.
Who wouldn’t mind? Lamont might come around to the idea.
Which of your characters do you like as a person? Cro tries hard and Alex is hard not to like.
Who would you most like to actually meet? It would be BIZZARE to meet Cro.
Who would you not like to actually meet? Jon Vanya.
Your alien and bestial characters, what would they look like if they
were human? Relic would be a slender south-Asian man with angular features. Morro would be a creepy looking Brazilian dude with poorly kept dreads.
Who would be happy in a boring, safe little job in a cubicle? Lamont could handle it about 50% of the time.
Who dreams of flying? Cro does. Alex thinks he ought to be able to fly on account of being a wizard.
Pick a character and outline his or her soulmate. This is another question I’m not sure stands up well. I’ll give it a shot though.
Ixidor’s soulmate is Carmen, his wife and the mother of his child. She’s a raven-haired beauty who had no fear of speaking her mind to her husband. He has little hope of ever seeing her again.
Who would like you? As a person, not a creator. Huh… Alex and me could probably get along.
Who is happy? Lamont. Alex.
Who probably drove his or her parents crazy as a kid? Alex was intolerable. Cro was a handful.
What animal most suits the personality of each of your characters?
Relic: Turned into a big black panther but that’s too obvious…. So I’m going to say Eagle.
Cro: Cat
Morro: Snake
Ixidor: Dog
Jon: Human
Will: Wolf
Lamont: Spider
Alex: Monkey
What color most suits them?
Relic: Midnight Blue
Cro: Charcoal Grey
Morro: Blood Red
Ixidor: Slate Grey
Jon: Inky Black
Will: Faded Red
Lamont: Snow White
Alex: Brilliant Green
-Dramatis Personae-
Relic (Online): My first character. He was a Transformer assassin I played online. He turned into a big black panther.
Cro of Matu (LARP: Epoch): My first LARP character and one of the longest running to date. He considers himself a shaman. He’s inexplicably drawn to the strange village of Caregg Wynn. Has died many times.
Zai’Morro’sur (LARP: Epoch): A Kaern (Cat Person). Morro occasionally appears in Caregg Wynn when looking for trouble or hungry. Is a cannibal.
Ixidor Vargas (LARP: Sunset Down): From the Variel Islands. He was Sunset Down’s town doctor and town drunk. Was secretly an exiled noble hiding out from a very large bounty.
Jon Vanya (LARP: Mortality): Jon came from the persecuted Xvanti people whom he hated for the weakness he perceived in them. Born under an ill omen, Jon was deeply troubled and seemed destined for a bad end.
William Jackson (Online): He became a Vampire of Clan Gangrel when he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He struggled to adjust to undead life and hang on to his humanity with the help of his clan-mates.
Lord Lamont Brightbuckler aka South-Wind: (Table Top: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5) A were-crow and assassin trained in the shadow hand school of the nine swords. Lamont was a romanticized ‘serial-killer’ in the same vein as Dexter or Hannibal Lecter.
Alex “Achilles” Reeves: (LARP: Mage the Awakening) A well-intentioned but shallow lunk-head and competitive kick-boxer. He recently awakened into his birthright as a Mage. He is not very good at magic. Alex is blissfully unaware that he is not very good at magic.
I have many other characters. Most of the others were played only briefly or haven’t left quite the same impression on me that these did. Some definitely left an impression on me (Ken) but didn’t seem to come up in the context of this quiz.
Fweeh's follow up question: "List some of your character's favorite foods."
Relic: It doesn't get better then cool, crisp Energon.
Cro: Absolutely loves venison.
Morro: A little known fact that a few people discovered, Morro will do just about anything for fresh fruit, especially peaches. Of course he also loves the flesh of sentient beings, particularly Dwarves and other Kaern.
Ixidor: A really spicy pepper-steak.
Jon: Anything expensive and luxurious.
Will: As a vampire Will's diet is pretty damn limited. He does have this weird fixation with late-night diner apple pie though.
Lamont: His father's home cooking.
Alex: Burritos.
Thank again to everybody who took the time to fill out this quiz!