Topic 30

Jul 14, 2006 17:49

I reject institutional secrecy in all its forms.

Given that, what kind of secret would you like me to reveal? What will it give you at the end of the day, and to what end would you use it? If you're looking for a little extra grist for your totalitarian mill, go to fucking WalMart or Pottery Barn or Needless Markup or Rat Shack and track the SSNs and phone numbers from your happy consumers. Choke yourself on the open secrets that keep the wheels greased and insidious evil alive and thriving in the sickly skin of the ruling cabal you think you voted in to power.

What kind of secret would you like me to reveal? Did I ever wet the bed or crap my pants or have erotic thoughts watching Bowling for Bucks? You know, the kind of secrets that cure cancer?

What secret matters most to you, feeds your prurient interests best and serves as juicy lube for your fantasies of how strangers live their lives? Boxers or briefs? Cock or pussy? Both or neither? Top or bottom? Would you like to know whose name is on my lips when I come, or whose scent or touch or memory gets me to the point that I can?

Maybe you're looking for another kind of secret entirely. Betrayals. Rejections. Crimes committed against my own humanity. Would it do your heart good to learn that I had some fetid, horrible thing locked in my soul that could be my undoing? That there might be something in me to inspire shock and fucking awe?

Don’t bother waiting for the answer. Go piss off somebody else.

Word Count: 260
Muse: Jack Hodgins
Fandom: Bones


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