Based on the lack of views and comments on my last journal entry, you guys must have missed the drama in my life, well you are in luck, its back.
So my brother and his wife have this weird relationship going on now, they are acting nice to each other, but who knows what their true motives for doing this is, all I know is that the other family members are getting sucked into this whole long thing for nothing. They should just call it quits and save everyone the trouble. I got a call from my brothers estranged wife, and she was all trying to get me to talk trash about my brother. She kept saying things like “I know its hard to go against your brother.” I would reply with “Not really, since I am not going against him with anything.” I didn’t say anything against him, and I told her she needed help, and he was right that she needed to go to counseling by herself, just like he is. That way they can both get help before they even try to get back together. She just wants to get couple counseling but that isn’t a good idea. Anyway, she talked to me for an hour and kept going on and on about how she was doing all these things and how my brother is so horrible.
My mother was in the room with me when I was on the phone with her, so she could hear everything I said. I was just going, “uh huh, uh huh” The whole time pretty much, I just wanted to get off the phone with her. She was acting like a loon. Anyway, after we get off the phone, an hour goes by and guess who I get a call from? That’s right, my brother. He is pissed, asking why I said all this shit to his wife! What the hell!? Honestly, she said I said a bunch of shit about him, like he was cheating on her and some shit. She also bashed his best friend to me and I told my mom about it so she could give him the heads up that his best friend was talking smack about him. So anyway, she tells him I said stuff I didn’t, and guess who he believes… that’s right, her! Why would he believe the brother who campaigned to get him “kicked out” of the house!? Nah, the druggy wife is a better choice by far...
So after that kind of blew off a little bit, he started to talk to me. He was talking about the things he said to me during my birthday party and all around being a prick to me. He said something like. “You know when I call you a faggot it doesn’t matter, because I know you aren’t one.” First of all, if I am one or not doesn’t matter! The word is very fucking offensive and vulgar! Do you guys know where the term “Faggot” got coined as a derogatory term for a homo sexual came about? The definition for Faggot is a bundle of sticks used for fire; in WWII the Nazi’s would kill Homosexuals with sticks on fire. How sick is it to call someone that? Gay or not? I admit, I sometimes use the word describing someone, I am not proud of it, but I would NEVER call them it to their face. Of course that is just a habit I am trying to break.
So anyway, I don’t even know where I stand with my brother right now.
So here is another juicy storyline for you guys. My mother is out of the state as I noted in my last journal. Well while she was gone, there was a little mishap with her mustang… Right now it is in the shop, and there it will stay for the foreseeable future. Does she know about it? Nah, of course she doesn’t. We wouldn’t tell her. So we got a rental van for her to drive while it’s in the shop, which is going to PISS her off, because my mom can’t drive those things. Not to mention the whole thing with the care probably won’t make her too happy either. She gets home tomorrow, so I will keep you guys updated tomorrow on it.
OK, Fan-Boy time!
I am so excited for Friday the 13th this Tuesday on Blu Ray! Speaking of which, WHAT THE FUCK is up with people uploading it up on Live Journal!? I think that is complete bullshit! I am sorry! And I am sorry if you are reading this and you are one of the people who uploaded it, and or downloaded it. But come on! This was Jared’s biggest role to date! This was his biggest moment of his career, and doing this just takes away DVD sales from him! If you want to upload it that’s cool. But at least wait a couple weeks until after it comes out or something… I might download a copy in order to make music videos or something with it, but I wouldn’t just download it in order to watch and not buy the DVD. Wow… sorry for the rant.
So who here is going to buy it on Tuesday!? Please leave a comment if you are going to! I want to know how many peeps I have who love Jared enough to buy his film!
I saw Friday 8 times in the theater, and I can’t wait to see it on Blu Ray. This will be my first Blu Ray film, so I can’t wait to see how it looks.
I am getting closer to seeing Kris Allen! In fact I am going to start a countdown on my desktop! I can’t wait to see him. And I can’t believe that Media WHORE Adam Lambert is taking all the attention that should be going to Kris for winning the fucking show! Anyway, Kris will be the only one relevant in a years time! Anyway, I think I will leave you with some Jared and Kris pictures. Until next time, remember to be cool!
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