July 17 2007, 06:24:32 UTC
oh love it! hahahha god that was long, can't wait for the rest tomorrow! and fridayyyy its all good. LOVE the beard haha oh and that feather in your head! hahah how its CONTINUOUS! HHAHA oh loves the TRANSALVANIA! hahah and how zeenan needs to shit. oh liz is totally doin maralyn manroe haha 'rich and the NOT famous' haha oh and its so great how i cut out your sister AND dad's faces from that pic of u guys after the cake! haha oh, u do look retraded in the present opening one! that vein and your especially dark! i love how we slowly get worse, and how much vodka there is in our glasses before the coke is poured in! and the numbering..haha oh and the mixture of the trans of me and natalia, dear lord. thank you for everything. theres way too much pointing for my own good. save me jesus! 'thanks for last night' ps LOVE the beyo! fat legged beyooo yaaaaa hahha, oh and forgot to mention how i love the shafted james in the background! ohh no, love it. more to come...
oh forgot to mention.. natalia ACTUALLY looks like she is HAVING raunchy RAUNCHY sex. HAHAH so scandalous hahaha that face. oh and MISHA! HAHAHAHAH love it. the mixture. the bob fits the role. oh and how she is givin it to zeenan in that ass shot! HAHAHAH actually looks like it! HAHAH "ITS THE BOB I SWEAR!" exclaims mischa.
Beyonce brings the LULZving0July 19 2007, 05:01:56 UTC
Ahh yes! your birthday party! Those pictures are SO great (HilDuff material girls styles) but wait! WHO is that lost drunk retard in that HUGE blue shirt? I want to slap myself in so many of these for being so fug and clueless while everyone else smiles at the camera. THe limo was sex. Loves how we stopped at Natalia's house. I know who killed me: YOUR BEYONCE PHOTO COMPARISON. TOO FUNNY FOR LIFE. Winners: Natalia's bangs, melissa's eyes wide shut, melissa's beard.
I love how you ended the post with fergie. looking forward to the rest of the pucs!
Comments 3
theres way too much pointing for my own good. save me jesus!
'thanks for last night'
ps LOVE the beyo! fat legged beyooo yaaaaa hahha, oh and forgot to mention how i love the shafted james in the background! ohh no, love it. more to come...
natalia ACTUALLY looks like she is HAVING raunchy RAUNCHY sex. HAHAH
so scandalous hahaha that face.
oh and MISHA! HAHAHAHAH love it. the mixture. the bob fits the role.
oh and how she is givin it to zeenan in that ass shot! HAHAHAH actually looks like it! HAHAH
"ITS THE BOB I SWEAR!" exclaims mischa.
Those pictures are SO great (HilDuff material girls styles) but wait! WHO is that lost drunk retard in that HUGE blue shirt? I want to slap myself in so many of these for being so fug and clueless while everyone else smiles at the camera.
THe limo was sex.
Loves how we stopped at Natalia's house.
Winners: Natalia's bangs, melissa's eyes wide shut, melissa's beard.
I love how you ended the post with fergie.
looking forward to the rest of the pucs!
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