Feb 17, 2011 02:21
- So, I've put Lauren first. Not going to class. Going to use tonight to recoup. Yes.
- Listening to the audio of Monday's lecture. Professor: "What's a perverted appetite? NO, i don't mean it goes and watches porn."
- I took a brief nap with one hand on my printed notes, my recorded lecture on high. #hardcore #desperate
- You know, i'm pretty sure i got dogs from the breeder all those years ago, not vultures. Stop staring at my food
- My dog thinks he's getting my chicken by looking cute and resting his head on my keyboard. Stopped falling for that 8 years ago, pal
- The boys are really pulling out the Cute Card right now, and there isn't even food left
- Dillon gave up faster than Charlie...which is a first. Now Charlie's sitting on my knee making loud sniffling sounds
- i miss writing
- goddamnit @ laurenist i gave you Excel porn, and this is how you repay me?
- i could enter this contest...
- I could enter this contest, but i don't have the original video...just the one on youtube..
- Totally entering this contest
- These stills. Cannot cope.
- Took a video of the dogs being fed. Least enthusiastic i've ever seen them. Shocker. Also realized the webca… (cont) http://deck.ly/~q842Y
- Dear #Episodes, please stop playing with my pairings..HELLO
- So late to the game, finally lucid enough to watch the #WKC
- I should have a #FrenchMistake/Birthday celebration next week. Y/Y?
- Cavalier! #WKC
- I smell soup. Am i getting soup? \o/ pampering for me? Soup?
- i want it RT @Fleischersuniv: A new sponsored product from @Fleischersuniv. Accepting pre-orders soon - http://bit.ly/fKWbid
- I also want @ Fleischersuniv Water and...what else was there...
- I love how RSJ won both Best Male Guest Star AND Best Shocking Moment
- Aw, now i'm all emotionall that Gabriel came in third as best Winchester ally
- strangely reminded of the time at the dog park when a dog started humping another dog. The dog's name was Jack. Owner tried to stop him
- So, essentially, all the owner succeeded in was yelling in a crowded dogpark, "JACK! OFF! JACK! OFF! JACK GET OFF NOW!"
- So, the SPN magazine is all, "Each of these people was the victim of a nasty fate in S5." Gabriel isn't on that list *eyes magazine*
- haha. S5 Cas. 'which S5 ep does Castiel: wolf down burgers, drink a liquor store,take part in a stake out, down a beer in one, take a bus.'?
- Cas, you wild child
- SPN Mag tallies Sam and Dean's deaths. Even without the Mystery Spot deaths, Dean wins
- if you count Sam and Dean dying together as 'separate deaths...'
- it's Dean's 6 deaths to Sam's 5. I think it would be tied if you don't count Future!Dean
- They put Crowley under the section of "Best Kills." I am not pleased
- I'm curious about something. Whether @ Strix__Nebulosa would be inclined to rp for an hour or so
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