Feb 19, 2011 02:25
- However, the shirt from @ HazyDandelion just arrived, so brb rolling around in happiness and Good Omens
- I mentioned something that a girl that was taught by our professor during the day said, and i'm being attacked by classmates. :|
- I can't go back to class. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That's it. i'm dropping out.
- I literally just got attacked by classmates on Facebook
- Oy. migraine.
- Do we have an update @FHornChickie?
- That awkward moment when you know a parent isn't okay with a decision, but will be, then find out SHE'S REALLY NOT OKAY WITH IT AT ALL
- well, it LOOKED like he was unbuttoning his shirt..that's all..
- shit @ FHornChickie What's on the menu for tonight's dessert?
- This is from one friend to another on Facebook: "ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT NEXT WEEKS SUPERNATURAL IS THAT I HOPE TO GOD IT IS GABRIEL."
- Crying headache. Ugh.
- Have i killed @Strix__Nebulosa?
- Charlie is taking his insane puppylove for @ FHornChickie out on Dillon
- I'm watching the Top Chef with the Sesame Street characters. I'm just so... :D
- RT @ToddStashwick: Hey Browncoats! Let's make this real! http://helpnathanbuyfirefly.com/?p=9 #Firefly
- Hm. Party with people, or head into the living room for SPN
- Signing off Twitter for the hour. Have fun, kids
- So, how 'bout them dolphins?
- It just occurred to me that i didn't eat dinner
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