Mar 07, 2011 02:18
- I really hope Dillon gets on the Lysodren and handles it well. He's been really, really tired lately
- I told mom i was really going to miss salt river tubing in AZ this year. So she says, "So, go visit." HEY @ GINNNA .....
- I turn on the tv the second a character says, "This guy can finger Al Capone!"
- Ha. That happening's got the likelihood of Bertie not getting out of the soup without Jeeves' help #Merlin
- Some people make me question my sexuality. Or, they would...if i had one. Wait.
- Gwaine, stop being so freaking adorable. I dare you #Merlin. DARE YOU. Oh, you failed that test
- *scraweeeee!* "What was that?" "Pheasant." "Pheasant." "...a very large pheasant."
- 99.9% that i now have a side job. Now, to get out of my toxic environment of a job
- Now i've gone and upset myself
- Imagine if i'd watched Merlin the same day as SPN? Both involve doors separating the people they cared for, and calling for each other
- Oh, that doesn't help. Anniversary of Papa's death, too. the candle was set out. Should have figured.
- RT @KnobNots: Bomb Sniffing Dog Dies Hours After His Handler is Killed, Broken Heart Suspected. How sad is this?
- Am i a freaking sicko or something? I took a photo album out for puppy!Dillon, and it's the album of my first dog, Jerry, put down at 3 yrs
- For this is not Arthur's quest, it is yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident. But the real prize... is something far greater *puddle*
- I'm torturing myself, here
- Cotton Candy with alcohol. David Tutera, the things you do to my teeth
- My sister just used Charlie as a bouquet to practice her wedding walk. I'm sorry, @sweet_clockwork
- My world just came crashing down around me. Half my family hates all things British humor. Someone take me away
- YESSS! You guys make everything OK anyway! RT @ThoseVideoGuys: @ Jabber_Moose hey you will like the next TVG - British week!
- I just realized that on the business card for the vet, it says DVM for all the vets, then DMV. LMFAO
- Just had an entire family sing along with that song about 10 min ago RT @Lisadwan: When Winston Churchill wa… (cont)
- So...basically... #SharkTank is the BBC's #DragonsDen. America, you've done it again. Work on your own shows, kay?
- Pepsi Max commercial, how dare you make me smile. You son of a bitch, you play dirty
- .@ SharkGoddess It's not fair. Here i am, trying to maintain my sulk, and @dicksp8jr has to pop up on my TV during a perfectly good glower
- Just finished reading @BSchuler's blog from @WyTVLive's internet-breaking @ charliesheen ustream
- RT @ChadLindberg: This Wed it's Supernatural and I Spit on Your Grave's @ ChadLindberg on The @JimmyStarShow live! Mar 9 2011 http://www. ...
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