another nightmare post

Mar 15, 2012 11:36

had a dream about a family, time travel, and a demon

it started in a large house riddled with strange corridors and occurrences. large pipes stretched across the exterior and through the interior of the house, a strange, vaguely steampunk ventilation system of boilers and fireplaces. a mother and daughter walked to a sliding glass door in the living room so the mother could show the daughter the three bee hives which were outside the glass door, which hadn’t been disposed of in the hope that they could be sold, as they were honey-producing bees.

then the mother and daughter walked to the front of the house, and the mother said that she believed a large boiler at the top left corner of the house contained a very large bees’ nest, and so they were going to try a method of increasing the heat to get the bees to leave. she connected one of the pipes across the outside to a pipe leading to the boiler, that would funnel heat into it. when the mother and daughter went back inside to the living room, something was moving in the fireplace (which was connected to the boiler). but these were not bees. these were the size of large dogs, with big black eyes, fast-beating wings, two tentacles instead of noses, and ovular mouths with fangs in the center like buck teeth. they banged up against the closed glass fireplace door in their attempts to get out, writing in a hideous, leathery mass.

the mother and daughter ran out of the house, through a horrible area of town, and the mother took them to a witch doctor for advice on their infestation. the witch doctor had no advice for them, until the daughter said she thought the monsters looked like gargoyles. the witch doctor asked for a description, and when the daughter described them, the witch doctor brought old photos and pieces of evidence, and a set of front teeth, oddly shaped, with a small hollow in the front. these were objects from an old murder trial, a killer had murdered a young girl in a wing of their house, and the teeth were the front teeth of the girl. it was the witch doctor’s opinion that the killer had become a demon in death, by the name of Onikuma, wearing the teeth of his victim. she recommended an exorcist, who the mother and daughter then went to visit.

the exorcist charged exorbitant fees, but the family was rich. he brought a number of strange items with him, two of which were large, upright boxes similar to refrigerators. one of these, he explained, was a time machine. one had only to stick their finger in the hole inside, and they would momentarily be transported to wherever and whenever they desired.

when they returned to the house, they discovered that Onikuma was no longer confined to the fireplace, they could see him moving in the windows, his form now apparently much larger, if not so numerous. the front door was locked, and the father could be seen in the kitchen window, still inside the house. they screamed at him, but before they could do anything, he was torn apart by the demon. the demon came down to the front door and broke it open. a family servant stood by the entrance. when the front door split open, the servant opened the time machine box and stuck his finger in the hole. the demon leapt at him, clawing, but the servant had become ethereal, and everything simply passed right through him as if he weren’t there. a moment later, the servant blinked, and he was standing in front of the house only minutes earlier. he quietly unlocked the front door and went inside, locking it after him. the father would be on the second floor, so the servant crept up the stairs, at the same time as the demon could be seen leaping to the lower level off to the right. the servant approached the father quietly, but without surprising him, and motioned for him to be quiet. the father was only dimly aware that something strange was happening, but he stayed quiet. the servant lead him to a door on the opposite side of the house, and he jumped from the second floor to the ground. the servant then tried to get the father to run away, in an attempt to save him from his prior fate, but the father ran around the front of the house to his family, and the servant followed. by that time Onikuma was roaring inside the house at being unable to find the father. when the two men reached the front door, it was standing open, and there were people inside. the exorcist was standing outside and showed them a file that showed the date of the murder committed years ago, when the demon was still human. just then, the demon appeared in the doorway, and rushed at them. the servant, the father, and the exorcist, all stuck their fingers in the time machine, becoming ethereal. just then, a large truck screeched to a halt in front of the house (for some reason), just as the three men disappeared.

they found themselves in the woods near a small town in 1958, it was nighttime, and hordes of people were congregating in the forest for some sort of party. that’s about where the dream ended.

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