i got yelled at for not updating, so i suppose i should do so.....
i can't handle this getting up early every day... i don't know how people do it; it's killing me
school's okay for being school i suppose... i should be reading my Genetics book, but reading for pleasure is so much better. i mean, how do you put down a book that starts with:
James Torello: Jackson was hung up on that meat hook. He was so heavy he bent it. He was on that thing three days before he croaked.
Frank Buccieri (giggling): Jackie, you shoulda seen the guy. Like an elephant, he was, and when Jimmy hit him with that electric prod . . .
Torello (excitedly): He was floppin' around on that hook, Jackie. We tossed water on him to give the prod a better charge, and he's screamin'. . . .
so yeah, my life is remarkably boring right now and i see no cure for this... this is why there have been few updates... no need to bore everyone with my ramblings on nothing