Got home from the DR. I do not have cancer This is good. I fear what the bills will be but that will be dealt with when it comes.
Now on to a different subject.
Ok I hate to beg for people as we are all tight on cash and if we are not we should be putting our money in the bank and sit on it, but Josh AKA Vernian Process ( has worked his ass off and always gets passed over. He has been at his music forever, he is the very first Steampunk musician and one who helped this trend become what it is today; but he always gets passed over by press due to him not looking like a D&D Eberron reject. He has put so much work in to making a home for fellow musicians playing in the steampunk / Neo vintage movement trend by co-founding Gilded Age Records ( giving them a tool for free to help promote their art and sound. Yet it is like pulling teeth to get any press to cover him. Even if they do use what they have when they talk to him even though he is the very start of anything in the music it is so frustrating to see him get passed over all the time when he a really sweet person, very talented and deserves the attention and press. He has had a craptastic year people he lost his job due to cut backs, his GF had to have major dental work with no insurance, and last week his car was towed. So he is screwed and will get kicked out of his place if something is not done. But at the same time he still for nothing continues to push the label and help fellow artist for nothing and never has made a dime off his music that many people have enjoyed for years. I am dirt poor at the moment eeking by on my ninja skills so I am in no place to help him at all and it pisses me off because he deserves better and I wish he could do well like he deserve. So if you have like 2 bucks you where going to spend on a snack you don't really need or 50 cents you were going to put in for a tip for lunch skip that and give to him here. He is to steampunk music what Bauhaus is to goth, and it feels like he gets no respect and that is wrong and now he is in danger of getting screwed over even more..