Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 20/? Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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Yay for Wallace finding out and Yay for Logan restraining himself from beating the crap out of Wallace for calling Veronica a whore! I loved the whole Marshall/P.Diddy/Usher exchange and that Duncan's parents are starting to keep a closer eye on him. It definitely sounds like Logan and Veronica are tired of hiding their relationship for Duncan's sake and things will come to a head soon...maybe another set of eyes (Wallace) will help uncover the fact that Duncan possibly already knows and he's just screwing with them and he's just trying to keep them apart publically so 1) they can't truly be completely happy and 2) for his own twisted entertainment...Poor Logan! At least he has Veronica and Keith and he's not pretty much alone like in canon and he was with them when he found out about his Mom possibly jumping...still not sure if I believe she's dead in canon or not :)
It was a relief to write about Wallace finding out. :-) I think it will be fun to see how he helps them now. And I definitely agree that it's a good thing that Logan's not along this time around. I'm with you on wishing that Lynn isn't really dead in canon! Thanks for commenting!!
Ohhhh I loved this chapter and thankees for keeping the Lynn death in. :). Cause it was such a huge huge part of season 1... So I am really looking forward to the next few chapters. I hope for some asshole!Aaron/woobie!Logan scene. Cause I hate Aaron with a passion. Oh I'm so glad you had Wallace find out about V and Logan and glad Wallace and Logan are becoming friends. Also Duncan? Is. A. Freak. Heh. I can't wait to see how this story develops. I usuallly don't like AU's but this one rocketh's hardcore. Also loved the conversation with Logan and BSK in the office... While I loved the original scene from season 1... I loved this just as much. Sniff. Why couldn't LoVe be like this in season 1? Seriously. Hopes you update soon and have an awesome as hell weekend. :).
Thanks for your thoughts! :-) While I hate that Lynn died, I agree that it's an important part of whathappens in the course of the story. I am so with you on hating Aaron. Taking it further, the last time I liked Harry Hamlin was "Clash of the Titans". I haven't been able to stand the man since. :-)
this one rocketh's hardcore Hee! And thank you!!!
Ah, Back! Show Killer. Hee! (Again.) :-) Thanks again for sharing your feedback!!
I've only recently discovered this fic and I wanted to say how much I was enjoying it, and I've been waiting paitently for an update. It certainlly didn't disapoint.
I'm not very good at the whole feedback thing, but I just wanted to say how much I was enjoying it.
Comments 62
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this one rocketh's hardcore Hee! And thank you!!!
Ah, Back! Show Killer. Hee! (Again.) :-) Thanks again for sharing your feedback!!
I've only recently discovered this fic and I wanted to say how much I was enjoying it, and I've been waiting paitently for an update. It certainlly didn't disapoint.
I'm not very good at the whole feedback thing, but I just wanted to say how much I was enjoying it.
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