Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 20/? Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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Wallace's reaction was very honest in my opinion. :-) Sigh...I really didn't want to kill off Lynn. I always liked her, despite her faults. But it's such an integral plot point.
I absolutely loved this. Great job. I loved the way Wallace found out and how Logan went after him and I loved the part with Logan talking about Lilly and how much better Veronica is. Love, love, love it. But poor Logan. :(
I loved the part with Logan talking about Lilly and how much better Veronica is. That scene came very naturally--I think Logan really wanted to share those things. :-)
I loved Wallace's reaction when he first found out, because it would make sense that he'd be pissed at first. But it also makes sense that he would cool down quickly after realizing that Logan relaly loves Veronica.
And I lurve Wallace and Logan together--so much that I've written fic about it! I think Wallace would have been a good person for Logan to hang out with--someone who waits and watches before taking action.
Comments 62
Thanks for commenting as always!!
Thanks so much for commenting!
And I lurve Wallace and Logan together--so much that I've written fic about it! I think Wallace would have been a good person for Logan to hang out with--someone who waits and watches before taking action.
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