Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 27/30 Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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This is so fabulous. I actually like this better than Rob Thomas's version. If only, he would get fans to advise him and portray the characters as "in character" as you do.
I really really hope you'll write a sequel redoing Season 2.
Oh my gosh! You totally got me tearing up...the way you described his injuries made me cringe...
also, I loved the part about the teachers when she asked how he didn't get in trouble for leaving his classes early....the part with Weevil and Greased Lightening...so funny!
Picture him crumpled in the corner was horrible to write. Sigh... Still had to be done. *kicks the floor*
And as a teacher? We *totally* do that! LOL
And the Greased Lightning part was totally not planned--when the thought came to me, it was so funny, though, that I realized Logan would appreciate the humor. Hee! You have to love the creative process. :-)
Always glad to throw in a new and exciting pitch--Greg Maddux is my baseball hero. Hee.
Okay, really, thanks for your wonderful feedback! I actually wrote the first scene of the next chapter today--hello intense! Only a few days left until Christmas break, then I'll have way more time. :-)
Awww. Sniff. Poor woobie Logan. Oh yeah I want him to be destroyed and burn in hell. Already thinking of his death. What a fucking pig. Duncan is uber psycho and should totally be locked up. For lighter things? YAY! For bathroom make out. That was hot and mmmmm I yes will have LoVe dreams tonight of this because I am such a nerd. And once more I so can't wait to see Aaron be destroyed. I'm giddy just thinking about it. I love you for writing this though. It's fabulous and while I am saddened to see this end, I am also looking forward to seeing the next couple chapters and what you do with them. Especially Leave it to Beaver. Great job once more hon.
Comments 63
I really really hope you'll write a sequel redoing Season 2.
No plans for a sequel right now, but never say never. :-)
also, I loved the part about the teachers when she asked how he didn't get in trouble for leaving his classes early....the part with Weevil and Greased Lightening...so funny!
Can't wait to read more!
And as a teacher? We *totally* do that! LOL
And the Greased Lightning part was totally not planned--when the thought came to me, it was so funny, though, that I realized Logan would appreciate the humor. Hee! You have to love the creative process. :-)
Thanks so much for sharing!
I KNEW IT! LOL...I wonder if the teachers in Catholic school do that too! lol
I always love your creative process...your stories are always so good, and this is definitely one of my favorites! :)
Thank you for writing! :)
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Just when I thought I knew where it was going you throw the mother of all curve balls. Mother of all.
Excellent work and can't wait for the part. Update soon, please! :)
Okay, really, thanks for your wonderful feedback! I actually wrote the first scene of the next chapter today--hello intense! Only a few days left until Christmas break, then I'll have way more time. :-)
Thanks again!!
And Duncan? Just wait until you see what happens...
Hee! So glad you liked the bathroom make-out! Ah, the memories... *laughs*
Thanks *so* much for the feedback!! You rock! :-)
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