Brotherly Rivalry

Jul 21, 2014 19:24

Title: Brotherly Rivalry
Author: Jaceni
Pairing: Minjae, Minsu; onsided Yunjae, ninja yoosu at some points (if you squint)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluffy, romance, slight angst, slight humor
Length: oneshot
Beta: enragedsilver
Warning: underage school AU (in a world where being gay is no big deal and not frowned upon and the problem of trying to get the person you like to like you back is the only thing plaguing your mind =D), corny?

Summary: Changmin’s determined to make his best friend look at him as something more than just a friend. What he didn’t account for was the unexpected feelings he’d develop for a certain someone he’s know practically his whole life…

A/N: This is a birthday fic for Anihimesama. Hope you like it bb!!! Not sure that this is what you had in mind, but this is what my mind came up with when you told me the basics of a plot you were interested in. Hope you had a happy birthday and can’t wait to see what you wrote for me. =D I hope everyone else enjoys this ficcie too. I apologize to those who read my fics for taking so long with the pending fics. Life, at some point in every author’s life, gets in the way and I was lucky to have finished this fic. T_T I just needed a break from writing the other stuff, but I’m hoping that I can squeeze time to write at a turtle’s pace the remaining fics I have left to write. ^_^ No worries, not dead yet.


Jaejoong and Junsu were just a year apart, yet you wouldn’t be able to tell that based off their personality. Both behaved in questionable ways that made one wonder whether they were truly the age they stated and whether Jaejoong was truly the older one of the brothers. Throughout their lives they always had petty fights over small matters that every brothers have.

“I want that toy! Umma, Jaejoong is taking away my toy! UMMA!”

“Junsu! Respect your Hyung you brat. I saw it first, you get another one!”

But just as they fought, their love for each other always made their relationship survive the pettiest arguments.

“Jae Hyunggie… I want your cakies. Could I please have it? Pretty, pretty please with sugar on top?”

“Don’t look at me like that… awe… fine, here Su.” Jaejoong said with a pout as he passed along his plate of sandwich cakes his mother got for the both of them.

“Yay!” Junsu excitedly hugged his brother before proceeding to devour the little sandwich cakes. Jaejoong would just roll his eyes and smile at his little brother’s antics. After about the second sandwich Junsu turned guiltily to Jaejoong and said, “You eat some too Hyung.” And proceeded to shove half a sandwich into Jaejoong’s mouth when Jaejoong was about to protest. They both laughed; Jaejoong at his dongsaengs antics and Junsu at his Hyung’s funny face.

Yes, their brotherly bond was strong and even though they weren’t forever at peace, they loved each other dearly. The problem came in the form of a neighbor by the name of Shim Changmin…

“Hi. I’m Shim Changmin…”

When Jaejoong first met him, he’d stopped breathing for a second. His little nine year old lungs couldn’t catch enough air, but once he was able to breathe he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He stayed staring as his little brother excitedly stated:

“We’re the same age! Maybe you’ll be in my same class? Yay!”

He stayed watching even as the other boy’s face turned red when Junsu hugged him unexpectedly and jumped around with him. Clearly the boy felt uncomfortable in Junsu’s hold, at least that’s what Jaejoong thought, but all Jaejoong could do was stare. Little did Jaejoong know that that was the start of a war with Junsu that he didn’t know he’d ever be able to win.

****Present time****

Jaejoong paced in his bedroom, not knowing what to do. He could hear Junsu laughing merrily as Changmin sarcastically replied to his question and Jaejoong felt another jab in his heart as, once again, he got to sit in the sidelines and watch as his brother happily converse with his seven year crush Shim Changmin. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t be warmer towards the younger boy. He seemed made out of stone whenever in his presence and he could tell that Changmin was uncomfortable in his presence too, but he just couldn’t stop himself. His crush made him incapable of opening up to him or to behave as he does with everyone else. It seemed that instead of creating an opportunity for himself he just drove the boy further and further away from himself and close to his brother’s lovable grasp.

Jaejoong had never envied his brother’s lovable personality as he did now. Especially since it’s plain to see how clearly in love Shim Changmin was to Kim Junsu.


Changmin had gotten use to Junsu’s overly affection nature so he didn’t even flinch when Junsu once more squeaked that high pitch voice of his and hugged the life out of him, or at least tried.

“Oh My God Sun! From America Min-ah! From America!!! Can you believe it! I can’t believe it!” Junsu once more squeaked out loud and paced to the other side of the room. “I can’t wait to see who it is. I can’t believe everyone knows about him already. People gossip a lot.”

Junsu did that adorable thinking face he always does and Changmin had to hold back a sigh at how wonderfully childish Junsu was sometimes. That’s why he adored him. That ever endless innocence radiating off of him, his charismatic aurora, and his overall friendliness is something that had attracted Changmin from the start and trapped him in without a chance of escaping. It was depressing really, that for all the time they’d spent together that Junsu still saw him as nothing more than a friend. This time when Changmin sighed he did so at how pathetic he was, pining after his best friend, that he actually zoned out from whatever Junsu was saying.

“Min! Are you even listening?! Aish! You brat. We need to leave already, come on.” Junsu said as he began to drag Changmin out of his room.

They were just about to turn the corner towards the stairs when Junsu suddenly stopped.

“Hi Yunho Hyung! Jae Hyung is in his room, you can just go in if you want.” Junsu said happily to Yunho.

Yunho smiled warmly and ruffled Junsu’s hair. “Thanks SuSu. I know. I was going there right now.” Yunho said and proceeded to pass with just a polite nod to Changmin. Changmin just scowled at him. He didn’t know what this Yunho guy had against him. All he knew was that the guy seemed to dislike him, yet was the best friend of Junsu’s cold older brother, Jaejoong. If you asked him, both of them were very alike in their personalities, so it’s no wonder that they’re best friends. It seemed that the only person both of those guys were nice to was Junsu… at least in Changmin’s presence. As long as they didn’t actually actively mess with him, he didn’t care one way or another.

“Hurry up Min! I don’t want to be late for the unveiling. Eu Kyang Kyang!” Junsu’s unique laugh made Changmin smile as he let his best friend drag him away even as at the same time an unpleasant feeling started to cloud his happy mood. Somehow, he didn’t think he’d like the new kid from school.


Junsu was determined. The new kid would be his new best friend. Okay, so nobody would ever take away Min’s spot. Of course not. The new kid would be like his second best friend. Yes, something like that. And he wanted to learn as much from him as he could about America. For some reason, Junsu had always been obsessed with what lies across the seas and this was his first chance to meet someone who’d been there and could tell him how everything is like over there. Maybe one day he could go over there with someone who knew the layout of the land and the new kid would be perfect. Plus, it never hurt to make new friends.

He waited patiently for their teacher to arrive and turned around to smile widely at Changmin only to see that he wasn’t looking at him. He was just looking outside the window. Junsu frowned. Changmin was usually looking at him so it was weird that he wasn’t looking at him now. When Junsu turned towards the window he noticed his Hyung and Yunho walking by. Was Min looking at his hyung? Why? Or was it Yunho that he was looking at? For some reason Junsu didn’t like this, but before he could think of the reasons why, his teacher made his way inside with someone trailing behind. Junsu’s mind went quiet and he focused on his new best friend, smiling widely when he saw the guy looking towards his direction. Smiling was always the key to making new friends, so Junsu made sure to smile to leave a good first impression. When the boy smiled back, he knew that it wouldn’t be too hard to make his new friend. He always knew how to get what he wanted and always felt proud when he accomplished it.


Yunho sighed as his friend laughed again.

“Yunnie, what are you saying? You can’t be serious! We’ve been friends for like-hm, now that I think about it, I really don’t remember how long.” Jaejoong frowned as he thought about it.

Yunho sighed again frustrated. Every time he tried to tell Jaejoong about how much he loves him, the other brushes it aside and claims he’s confused. He’s getting tired of his friend’s purposeful naïve-ness.

“Joongie, why don’t you give me a chance to prove to you I’m serious? Forget that kid and give me a chance, neh?” Yunho pleaded.

“Shhh! Yunho! We’re in school!” Jaejoong said scandalized and looked around to make sure nobody was paying them attention, but Yunho was tired of this. He just wanted a chance and it was apparent that his friend wouldn’t give him one until he finally gets it that the other kid would never take him seriously as something more than Junsu’s brother.

“You know what Jaejoong, I’m tired of this. The only way for you to give us a chance is to confess to Changmin your feelings and get it over with. After that, you can give us a chance and I can prove to you that I’m ten times better than that kid any day!” Yunho whispered harshly and stalked off without caring if his friend was following him or not. He just hoped that Jaejoong would listen to him and get his foolish crush on that boy out of the way so that he could finally have a chance at showing Jaejoong that he didn’t need Changmin in his life. He’d be more than enough.


Jaejoong looked as his friend disappeared from sight in shock. He’d never had Yunho talk to him that way and Jaejoong didn’t know what to make of it. Maybe Yunho was right? Maybe it was time to confess his feelings towards Changmin. He felt nervous just thinking about it. So far he hadn’t even been able to get more than a sentence out whenever Changmin asked something directly from him and to confess required more than a sentence. But his friend was right. This year he’d finally confess his feelings for a certain Shim and he’ll be damned if he didn’t. No more pinning after someone who wouldn’t requite his feelings. Now… just to find the right time to do this and he’d be set. And if there was really no chance with Changmin… then he’d give his best friend a chance to make him forget him.

For now, he tried to catch up to Yunho so that he wouldn’t be late for class. Just as he reached inside the hallway the bell rang.

“Gosh darn it!” He whispered harshly as he sped walk faster to his class. Kim Jaejoong wouldn’t be caught dead running.


Changmin tensed as the new kid… Yoochun… was assigned to Junsu for making him feel ‘welcomed’. He was so tense he didn’t realize that he was grinding his teeth until the new student turned to look at him with a quizzical expression as he continued to talk with Junsu.

“Eu Kyang Kyang! Can I call you Chunnie? Can we be friends?” Junsu asked all cheerily and Changmin almost got up when he noticed that the other kid patted Junsu’s shoulder while saying, “Sure thing man. You can call me whatever you want. And of course we could be friends.” Yoochun said with a bright smile.

All Changmin wanted to do was erase that smug smile off the bastard’s face. He also noticed how in all that time his friend didn’t turn to see him… not once.

One thing was for sure. Changmin couldn’t let this guy move in and just take what he knew was his. The only problem was finding a way that would make Junsu look at him… truly look at him as something more than just his best friend for years. Something that would make Junsu realize that he could lose Changmin easily if he waited too long to realize that Changmin could make him the happiest person alive. Something like Changmin flaunting another relationship or a threat to Junsu… now only to figure out who could make Junsu react the way Changmin wanted. Then he could finally be with Junsu the way he wanted to be.

Changmin smiled. He’d make Junsu see him this year if it was the last thing he did.


They were in his house and Junsu had finally found the time to ask Changmin the question bugging his mind all day.

“Min-ah, do you not like Chunnie? You were really cold with him today whenever we were all in the same class together.” Junsu said as he ate some more skittles. They were both doing homework on Junsu’s bed.

“Oh, you actually noticed? It didn’t seem like you saw me all day today at all.” Changmin replied a bit bitterly. He continued doing his homework and tried to ignore the images that were brought to his mind. He’d finally had a break from all that bullshit and didn’t want to be thinking about that other guy while he didn’t have him in the same room.

“What are you talking about? Of course I noticed you. You were looking out the window when Jae Hyung was passing by. Just before Chunnie was introduced in class.” Junsu said as he scribbled something out and paused to pop more skittles into his mouth. “Why were you looking at Hyung Min?”

Changmin looked up surprised at the question. He doesn’t remember having looked at Jaejoong today and tried to recall the incident Junsu was talking about. When he finally remembered he smiled. “Jaejoong Hyung looked so happy and it’s rare when I see him that unguarded.” He said without thinking and was shocked to see Junsu scowl. But just as quickly Junsu let out one of his signature laughs and continued. “That’s a dumb reason Min. Hyung is always happy with Yunho Hyung.”

For some reason Changmin felt an uncomfortable feeling in his chest, but just as quickly it passed. Then he noticed something and tested out his theory.

“Jae Hyung should definitely look happy more often. He has such pretty features when he smiles…” Changmin even faked a sigh after that sentence.

Junsu’s reaction was priceless.

“Yah!! Since when do you call Hyung ‘Jae Hyung’?!!! And what pretty features?!!! I have pretty features too!!! Why don’t you ever say I have pretty features Min-ah!!!!” Junsu voiced pitched so high that Changmin almost winced, but laughed when he was proved right. Junsu then proceeded to beat the stuffing out of the pillow against Changmin’s now prone figure.

So, Junsu seemed to have brotherly rivalry? He could use that to his advantage. Now that he had the person he’d be using to get Junsu to notice him, he just had to find a way to get that person to agree with him on this.

*****3 days later*****

Jaejoong was drinking water in the kitchen after having jogged with Yunho (it wasn’t his idea okay? Yunho was just such a health freak that he forced him to jog with him) that he didn’t notice someone was already in the room until that someone cleared their throat.

He jumped so high that he squirted some of the water onto his sweaty t-shirt accidentally.

His eyes widen comically when he saw Changmin in front of him trying very hard not to laugh. He didn’t know what to do, but could feel his face heat up. He looked about, gulping heavily, as he searched for his brother. Changmin had never bothered to seek him out, so his brother must be somewhere nearby. He just had to be. When nobody else was there, he squeaked, “Uh, can I help you?”

He was sure his cheeks were red as he tried to towel down his chin, but he could blame it on the fact that he had just been exercising.

“As a matter of fact, yes, yes you can. Can I please talk to you Hyung? Alone? Not right now, someone could walk in, but maybe we can meet in… let’s say the lake on Saturday at 10?” Changmin tried his best to coax Jaejoong into agreeing by giving him his said ‘winning’ smile and smiled wider when Jaejoong just nodded his head yes.

“Great! Thanks Hyung!” And with that he walked out the door of the kitchen, leaving Jaejoong to stare after him with even greater shock, heart pounding in his chest, not able to believe that he’d be meeting Changmin alone near the lake on Saturday at 10 o’clock. He felt as if he was dreaming.


Changmin was ecstatic. It seemed like his plan was finally going to be put into motion. He had finally decided to confess to Jaejoong the real reason he was going to require his assistance. He knew Jaejoong loved his little brother and would want him to be happy and he was convinced that he could talk Jaejoong into helping him out. He was, after all, going to be Junsu’s future happiness.

He just hoped he hadn’t misjudged Jaejoong’s love for his brother.

“Where were you Min? I’m having problems with this number.” Junsu said as he scratched his head.

Changmin smiled at how cute he looked. His smiled slowly dropped when he remembered the way Junsu seemed inseparable from that Yoochun student. Always asking him questions and basically ignoring Changmin. He just hoped that when he was with Jaejoong that Junsu would realize that Changmin couldn’t just be taken for granted and that he was bound to lose him if he didn’t see him. With that final thought, he finally went to his best friend to explain the equation to him all the while anticipating Saturday to come. Jaejoong had to see it his way, didn’t he? There’s no way Jaejoong would say no… he just couldn’t.


Jaejoong sat down heavily onto the bench near the lake as he reeled with all the information Changmin had crammed into those short ten minutes he’d been with him. His heart shattered as everything said finally made sense. He’d subconsciously known that Changmin loved his brother but had refused to believe that was the truth. He’d been stubbornly holding onto the hope that Changmin just saw his brother as a friend and that if only he confessed he’d have a chance to be with Changmin. Now that hope had been shattered and he felt like breaking down crying, but he wouldn’t do that in front of Changmin. He’d do it in his room, alone, with the lights off and when nobody could hear his anguished sobs.


“Jaejoong-sshi? Are you okay? You look pale.” Changmin said, concerned when all that greeted him was silence. Maybe he’d underestimated Jaejoong’s response? Maybe instead of happy to help out his brother he’d be mad at Changmin for trying to deceive him? Maybe Junsu would never get with someone his brother was with? But when he noticed that Jaejoong’s eyes looked dully back at him he started to worry that maybe Jaejoong was feeling sick and that he was bothering him with petty things.

In all the years he’d befriended Junsu, he’d never once seen his older brother sick and it worried him now to do so. He quickly sat down next to him and placed his palm against Jaejoong’s forehead, forgetting for a moment that they weren’t that close to be doing this. His worry increased when he felt his forehead was cold.

“Hyung, are you feeling well? You feel cold. Maybe I should take you back to your house. You know what, forget what I said, neh? I don’t want to bother you when you’re feeling so bad. If you want we can talk another time.” He rushed to say as he took his palm back and stood up, already trying to pick Jaejoong up by his hands but Jaejoong didn’t budge.

Changmin had always been a caring person to those he knew for so long and Jaejoong wasn’t the exception.


Jaejoong finally got out of his shocked dazed and realized Changmin was trying to move him.

“I’m fine Changmin-ah. Just, let me rest a little bit. It’s temporary…” Jaejoong managed to say weakly as the younger one finally stopped trying to move him and sat down next to him again without letting his hand go.

He had finally processed everything the younger one had told him and realized that maybe this was his only chance to be with Changmin the way he’d always dreamed… even if it wouldn’t be real. Seeing the concern in the younger one’s eyes made his broken heart give a painful throb. At least Changmin still cared for him even if… even if he’d never be able to love him back the way Jaejoong loved him. He smiled shakily for the young man’s benefit and decided that he’d give it a try. Even if Changmin might never love him back, he could at least try to make him see Jaejoong as something more than his best friend’s older brother. Maybe he could even put his feelings behind and be Changmin’s friend in the future? You can never have too many loyal friends his mom would always say. Gently, even though he didn’t want to, Jaejoong extracted his hand from Changmin’s and missed his warmth almost immediately.

With his decision made, he got a lung full of air and released it as he finally said, “So. You love my brother do you?” He tried to put as much of an older brother tone as he could, trying not to sound bitter at the revelation.

“Yes Jaejoong Hyung. I promise to make him the happiest person on earth once this is all over.” Changmin said happily as he smiled at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong smiled back sadly, heart hurting still, but proceeded, “And you’re sure that this is a good idea? What if Junsu doesn’t care that y-you’re with me?” Jaejoong chastised himself when he couldn’t keep his voice the confident voice he used with everyone.

“He’ll care. Believe me he’ll care. Every time I praise you in front of him he tries to compete with it and tries to make me praise him too. It’ll work Hyung. I just need your cooperation for this to work.” He smiled at Jaejoong and Jaejoong tried hard not to blush and have hope blossom. Those eyes that mismatch when he smiles and those intriguing lips always did things to his heart rhythm.

Changmin was probably only praising him to get Junsu’s attention, not because he thought Jaejoong was praise worthy. Then another thought struck him and he voiced it out loud.

“But… if you know he has this rivalry thing going on, you don’t feel you’ll get hurt when he realizes he has you and decides he’s won this game and moves on to the next thing that he can compete with me for?” Jaejoong said, a little worried that Changmin would get hurt if his little’s brother fancy moved on from Jaejoong’s new ‘toy’ as Junsu would see it.

In that moment he remembered all the times Junsu would steal his toys and food only to later throw it away afterwards when Jaejoong didn’t care for the item anymore. He loved his little brother but knew how fickle he could be at times with things he didn’t care for. Maybe Changmin would be different? But in that moment Jaejoong realized that he didn’t want to let Junsu take anything else from him. He was tired of being the good hyung that gave his little brother everything he wanted just because he wanted it. He realized in that moment that he couldn’t do that to Changmin. Couldn’t let him suffer because of his fickle brother… even if maybe his brother might actually care for him.

In that moment Jaejoong promised himself he would fight for Shim Changmin’s affection. With that revelation a new determination filled Jaejoong and his broken heart tentatively tried to repair itself with the newfound hope.


Changmin hadn’t thought about this. He didn’t believe Junsu could be capable of what Jaejoong had just stated, but he couldn’t discard the possibility either. After all, Jaejoong knew his brother better than Changmin did. But Junsu wasn’t that type of person. Changmin refused to believe in that option.

“Don’t worry Jaejoong Hyung. Junsu won’t do that. So, do you agree?” Changmin could hear the hope in his own voice and smiled widely so that the older one would have pity on him and agree.

“Y-yes… M-Min-ah.” Changmin’s eyes widened when Jaejoong addressed him as Junsu normally did, but then his tentative smile grew wider and couldn’t help yelling ‘yay!’ aloud while pumping his fists in the air, causing Jaejoong to laugh at his reaction. Changmin’s smile wavered slightly as he realized that it was true what he’d told Junsu.

Jaejoong hyung truly had pretty features when he was happy… huh, he’d never noticed.


Jaejoong was nervous. It was finally Monday and today their acting skills would be put to the test. Changmin and Jaejoong had talked about the finer details of their ‘pretend’ relationship and Jaejoong had even sneaked in false information of telling Yunho that Jaejoong had a crush on Changmin since forever to make it believable. In reality Jaejoong didn’t want Yunho saying something to Changmin about his crush until he had time to reveal this information himself. Now that Changmin knew this, he wouldn’t question it if Yunho for some reason confronted him about it. Changmin had also agreed to drop hints here and there to Junsu about Jaejoong so that it’d be more believable when he pursued something with Jaejoong. He’d told Jaejoong he’d already had started on that front even before Jaejoong actually agreed and Jaejoong didn’t know what to make of that.

So, now Jaejoong was nervous to start their acting. They’d decided to start with hanging out together a couple of times before revealing they were together. That way Junsu wouldn’t think this fake and would believe that they were truly together, which would increase the chances of Junsu taking a bit of the bait Changmin had prepared for him.

Jaejoong wasn’t nervous that he wouldn’t be able to act the part of Changmin’s boyfriend. He was just nervous that Changmin wouldn’t be able to and that he’d give up this idea before Jaejoong truly had a chance to try to change Changmin’s mind on the whole loving Junsu thing.

He released a big breath as he finally went out of his room when he heard Changmin’s voice in the living room. He adjusted his backpack and went out at the same time as Junsu.

“Coming Min!” Junsu screeched as he ran down the stairs before Jaejoong had a chance to get down the last step.

His heart palpitated fast in his chest as he met Changmin’s dark brown eyes and that mischievous smile curling his thin plump lips.

“Hi Jaejoong Hyung.” Changmin’s voice sounded playful and Jaejoong’s heart rate went up another notch.

He stared for a second more before he responded, “Hi Min-ah.”

Junsu’s reaction was as expected.

“Yah! Why are you calling Changmin Min-ah Hyung?! You never call him Min-ah!” Junsu asked with wide shocked eyes. Jaejoong could tell his brother was a little jealous of this fact.

“Because I want to Su-ah. Now, hurry to school. Yunho should be here any-”

“Why don’t you and Yunho-sshi join us, Jaejoong Hyung? I can’t believe we walk to the same school and have never walked together before.” Changmin suggested with an innocent tone that Jaejoong would’ve believed if not for knowing Changmin’s plan.

He blushed under the constant scrutiny of both Changmin and his brother and cleared his throat to distract himself from both gazes.


“Joongie? What’s taking so long?” Yunho came in in that second. It seemed he’d been waiting outside for Jaejoong to head out.

“Hi Yunho-hyung.” Junsu said a little bit stiffly, but then he smiled and started saying, “Min-ah just invited Jaejoong hyung and you to walk with us. Isn’t it-”

“Really? Are we going with them Jae?” Yunho looked temporarily astounded with that fact.

“I was just about to tell them that yes Yunnie. Only that I needed to inform you.” Jaejoong said with a nervous smile. He hadn’t expected the day this way. He figured they’d begin acting at school once they acknowledged each other but it seemed that Changmin had other thoughts.

“Hmf. Well you better keep up Hyung. We don’t walk slow.” Junsu said with clear dislike of the idea and headed out. Changmin looked back at them and then followed Junsu out. Jaejoong released the air he’d been holding and looked over at Yunho, only to find him scowling at Jaejoong.

“What? You told me to tell him about my feelings and I did. He’s giving me a chance Yunnie.” Jaejoong said happily, as if it was truly that, and proceeded to walk outside while Yunho kept staring at him. After a while, he heard Yunho close the door and waited for him with the other two. It was clearly going to be an uncomfortable walk towards school and clearly Junsu was going to be a brat about it, but at least Jaejoong was now free to sneak glances at Changmin without having to pretend he was doing so and was embarrassed to notice Changmin doing the same. Every time he had to remember that it was an act, and in order to forget the whole awkward atmosphere he would start talking randomly with Yunho. But that wasn’t working either since Yunho was clearly mad at him or was giving him just single worded responses.

After a while of this he sighed and just decided to keep quiet. Looking around to avoid feeling the awkwardness.


Changmin was ecstatic. It was actually working! Junsu looked like he was jealous every time he would catch him glancing at Jaejoong, which was part of their little act. He noticed how Junsu would lean in closer to him and he reveled in the feeling of the other one so close to him. He wished he was allowed to just wrap his arms around his shoulder without Junsu questioning him about it. In their friendship it was always Junsu who initiated contact, so if Changmin were to do it now it would seem out of character… especially if they were only friends. He glanced again towards Jaejoong and noticed how he was also silent now. He’d heard him trying to converse with Yunho, but for some reason Yunho would respond with short words and was very serious. It made Changmin wonder what was going on with Yunho and why he seemed to be upset. Had Jaejoong mentioned Changmin to him yet? Had Jaejoong told Yunho their plan? For some reason Changmin didn’t like the fact that Yunho might know that they were pretending. He didn’t want anyone else finding out that they were pretending. Only Jaejoong and he were supposed to know.

He glanced away when he noticed Jaejoong blush under his scrutiny and smiled. Jaejoong was incredibly good at acting. So far Jaejoong had played perfectly the role of liking Changmin, blushes and shy glances included, and Changmin could tell Junsu was buying it because the other would stay firmly between his brother and Changmin.

Changmin was sure that he’d be able to get Junsu’s attention really soon the way he had planned it. He smiled when their school came into view. He had high hopes for today.

It was too long so please move on to Part B ^_^

verse: brothers, oneshot, title: brotherly rivalry, other pairings, pg-13

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