Because I am trying to run away from my own brain....

Sep 07, 2010 11:06

Ninja-ed from shiroikazex

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
{ Google ahahahaha.

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
{ Tee-shirt, fbt usual

3. What is your current problem?
{ My life (more like my work life)

4. What makes you happy most?
{ Dance, friends, myself.

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
{ W - JYJ.

6. Any celeb you would marry?
{ Hummmm..........

7. Name someone with the same month of birthday as you?and why?
{ There are so many I can't pick and choose....ok well I can....JUNSU :D

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
{ Yeah......

9. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?
{ Does Despicable Me count? XD

10. Do you speak any language?and what language/s?
{ English, Malay, Japanese + Korean (basic)

11. Do you ever watch MTV?
{ What kind of mtv? XD

Chapter1 :

1. Surname: Currently? Kibum
2. Nickname (s) (for friends): Jac, Leader-shii (which you can only call me if you are the selected 4)
3. Current location: Bed.
4. Eye color: Super dark brown, yet not black
5. Do you get along well with your parents?: Sorta

Chapter 2: Favorites

1. Ice cream: Anything with cookies in it.
2. Shampoo / conditioner: Asience.
3. Person: Coughs.....

Chapter 3: Do You ...

1. love your idol? What kind of people?
2. Call people back? Most of the time no....
3. Believe in love? Nahz.....

Chapter 4: what,who is/are your favorite....

1. what are your favorite foods? Soup
2. what color do you like most?and why? Black.....coz I can actually look awesome in it :)
3. what is your favorite subject? Break XD


1. I love: ME.
2. I don't understand: idiots.
3. Life is full of: fun.
4. I get annoyed very quickly when: act out.
5. Parties are : fun when you know people.
6. Tomorrow is: a long day
7. If I had a million dollars: hummm.....
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