Title: No-Nothing.
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Characters: Simmons, Grif
Prompt: 011. Red.
Word Count: 100 words.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Simmons/Grif slash, as per my claim.
Red. Red, all of it. Red, and hot, and WET, and Simmons is scared, because there’s just so MUCH of it, and how can anyone lose so much, oh God --
It’s bright and garish in the sharp light, on the vivid orange, around the wide, smoking hole. Grif has already popped off his helmet, and grins at Simmons, the awful red staining his white teeth (which is something strange, almost unnatural, because he smokes so often).
“I think it’s pretty,” he says in a hoarse voice.
“Shut up, cockbite. You don’t know anything!”
“I do know that I’m dead.”