Title: Slow Burn
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Characters: Simmons, Grif, Donut.
Prompt: 071. Broken.
Word Count: 105
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Simmons/Grif, as per my claim. Slight in this one, but I guess you could call it set-up for what's to come. Sequel to "Shut Down" and uplead to "Reboot."
Simmons knew something was wrong when he realized Grif wasn’t in his bunk.
A quick search of the base proved only that Grif wasn’t there, and wasn’t wearing his armor. His footlocker had been flung open and frantically rooted through, if the huge mess was anything to judge by.
Wondering what it all meant, and dreading the answer, Simmons ran outside. An awful certainty bubbled in his stomach, despite Donut’s insistence that not even Grif was crazy enough to be outdoors during a plasma storm.
But Simmons proved to be right. He found Grif by the tree, badly burned, flopped over like a broken doll.
Title: Wake
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles
Characters: Simmons/Grif
Prompt: 097. Writer's Choice: Sex.
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Author's Notes: Simmons/Grif slash, as per my claim. Sequel to "Reboot." Citrus, yaay!
When Grif came out of the coma, his first sensation was cold. Next came smooth. Rough. Cloth. Someone else --
He made a small noise and opened his eyes, where his next sensation was bright.
But then after all that, after, it was all motley. Too much, too much --
hot heavy mouth wet tongue hand dick ass fingers cold slick cinnamon, Simmons, has to be --
Too much, all of it. But Grif was too happy and too horny to care about that, especially when Simmons was shoving hard with his fingers and it was making him yowl like an alley cat.